When there is struggle and conflict in the world, it is easy to forget that the infinite one abides in all that is, that you and everything around you are composed of one intelligent awareness, one infinite love, one being, and one consciousness. Within the play of that consciousness comes the variety of experiences in this relative world where there is happiness and sorrow, there is ignorance and suffering, and there is the gamut between them. There is fear, hatred, anger, joy, compassion, love, happiness, and pain. This is the nature of this relative world. It is a mixture of these, and at some points, there is much pain and at other points, there is much happiness and joy. It changes from time to time, from person to person. But the underlying reality remains the same. The horrors inflicted in this world by ambitious men and women, who want to have power, territory, and prestige, have been going on throughout human history. They remain active today in today’s societies. The influence of such people is on the rise in society today, in general. Dictators and men wanting power are on the rise. Why? Because the world is less stable than it was. The climate itself, the planet itself is reacting to the population of humanity, and the people do not feel as secure as they did 50, or 75 years ago so they want to secure themselves. Fear is a very motivating factor in human behavior. And out of fear, people become aggressive. They develop anger. Because fear and anger are two sides of the same experience: defense, defense, to secure one’s safety and the safety of one’s group. And out of this comes any information that will make people compliant with the order that is. The problem is not simply propaganda that happens when people follow what they are told, but the leaders whose intention is not for the welfare of humanity, but for their power and prestige, who have fallen into the trap of needing, desiring power, desiring prestige, desiring to be in leadership and very attached to that power. So, for those, many techniques of disinformation are very helpful. When you are in fear of such people and the forces that they put in motion, do not fear. And do not become downtrodden. Even in the most difficult situations, there is always hope, and there is the lightness and love of the human spirit. Keep your mind ever in the unitary whole of being, remember the infinite, and take the play of circumstances not as something you should be passive about. You must fight for the truth. But also let your mind rest in equanimity, not taking upon yourself fear and distress because of variations in worldly situations. Remain solid in your knowledge of the love that binds all beings and is the truth and essence of all that is. Remain ever connected to the infinite one. Then the play within the cosmos, the rise and fall of this or that movement, person, or problem, has a relative place. You fight for Dharma but don’t welcome fear into your heart or anger. Live out of the intention of love and kindness for all beings, even if that is not what you see around you. Work for that; work for the instilling of leaders whose intention is not personal power, but the welfare of humanity. People have wars because they see welfare differently. Humanity is in change. From one level of existence, from one level of functioning to another. In this change, there will be upheaval. In this change, there will be polarization. Not only in the United States but throughout the world. You cannot understand the thinking of another person; their ideas are so foreign. That is what happens in polarization. The very nature of reality seems to be divided. This has happened throughout history, it is true. But in these critical times, when a shift is occurring, it is more pronounced. It is darkest before dawn. When the sun rises it casts a dark shadow, until the shadow is burnt away by the brightness of the sun in the noon. This is the tide and the flow of nature, the paradigms within the operative principles of this universe. Ignorance, hatred, anger, and fear are the culprits, not individuals. If those individuals are dominated by these forces, they do not serve themselves to allow these forces to gain authority within them. Keep your love, keep your equanimity of mind, and do all actions out of compassion for the promotion of Dharma and love for all beings. Let fear and anger fall away from you. Do not let them into your heart. At times it is stressful, yes. When you fight for Dharma, there are times it is stressful, but let love and compassion and lovingkindness dominate you, not fear, not anger, not hatred. This relative world is relative. There is a very dynamic change going on. You worry over who will be president, and what regime will abide. But there are deeper problems that are even more worrisome, that are being ignored. They will not be ignored for long. Even in the darkest times, remember love, and kindness. There is only one infinite being in all the forms, and all the shapes, and the dance of this creation. Namaskar.
Intro To Yama & Niyama
Living In Harmony
Spiritual Activism
Spiritual Awakening
The Nature Of Love
What Are The Niyamas
What Are The Yamas & Niyamas
What Is Gratitude?