Parama Purusha is omnipresent. There is no place, no time when that one has not, does not exist. Even in the multiple dimensions of reality, that one exists. And in the far-flung heavens, billions of light years away, that one exists. For all that is abides within the mind of the infinite. All that is abides within divinity. There is no other truth. It is very simple. The spiritual message is very simple. There is only one—one truth, one Guru, one love, one infinite being manifesting in all the forms and colors of creation. In every idea that can be conceived and that cannot be conceived. Reality is more fluid than most people would like to think of it. Because it is not solid. It appears to be solid from the point of view of an individual, but within the mind of the cosmos, within the mind of the infinite, this is like a dream. Its solidity is mental, not physical. And that is why one who has realized their union with the sublime and melted their self into that divine Self, to such a one it is all fluid. It is not immovable. But even for such a one, there are the laws of nature, the operative principles of Prakriti, which create the three Gunas: Sattva, sentience, Rajas, the movement principles, and Tamas, the static force. And from them comes the five elemental flows and the world, the spectrum in which the human senses and human body awareness exist. It is a limited spectrum of perception. For there is the cosmic perception of an infinite being that lies beyond the realm of the human mind. There is the microcosmic flow to the subatomic particles, to the waves that compose them. This spectrum of perceptual field is not perceivable by the human senses. Yet it exists. There are also dimensions to reality, subtle shifts, and perceptual field alterations. Some beings live with you, but they are not perceivable to your senses, because they live in a slightly different frequency. So, you have the little elves, the dwarves, the fairies that people see in a certain state of mind but are not normally perceivable by the human senses because they live in a slightly altered frequency of existence that might be called a dimension or an altered state of being from the human sensory experience. There are so many psychic phenomena. There are the unidentified objects and the people of space that are so often talked about. But yet may or may not exist in this dimension or may phase to a different dimension if they attain that ability to not only travel by light years but to travel by dimensional portals. And they may appear or not to the human senses. Depending upon the dimensional shifting many phenomena are beyond the intellectual understanding of humans of this planet. Yet, that does not mean they do not exist. All is a part of the self-aware consciousness of being. As you are a part of this. But to experience your union with divinity, three things must be overcome. First is your mental prejudices and beliefs that it is arrogance to think you are one with God and that you are not worthy. Or sometimes the belief that God is inside of you rather than you inside of God. So Parama Purusha, that infinite intelligent consciousness is everywhere, witnessing all that is. It is the fundamental substance of your nature. It is your inherent nature. Yet to know that unity means there must be a surrender of constructs and beliefs that you have acquired, that the mind holds on to. And assumptions that are born from sensory experience: You see, you hear, you know within a small spectrum of the field of reality. It’s a very small spectrum. Yet you feel pride of intellect, that you know what is real and what is not, that you know what to believe and not, and you experience prejudice and assumptions that come from your upbringing, your culture, your past actions, your Samskaras. They define and confine you to a limited understanding of your nature. And finally, complete and total surrender is necessary, to feel, to experience your true nature, because your true nature is divine, is the Atman, your soul. And that is connected to that Paramatma, the supreme soul, the witnessing intelligent awareness of Parama Purusha. If you let go of all of your conditioned thinking, let go of all your self-beliefs and assumptions, you will find what remains a vast ocean of consciousness, an infinite well of divine love, peace, and bliss. And finally, what remains in every cell of the body, is divinity. What remains in the mind, is the infinite one. For when you let go of all of the layers of belief, the constructs of the mind, the Samskaras that have bound you, what remains? For every cell in your body, every thought in your mind, your very existence is composed of divine essence, divine being. Your essence is composed of that divinity. As is the essence of every molecule, every atom of this manifest universe. And all of those beings on slightly different dimensional frequencies are also composed of that one. You try to comprehend that mind within your mind and make your judgments about what is real, what is not real, what is this, what is that. It is like the flea trying to comprehend the nature of the cosmos. You do not have the brain capacity in your existence and your sensory spectrum is very small. The only way to know that cosmic essence is to let go of all of your constructs, your conditioned mind, your beliefs, your assumptions, and even your feeling of your existence. Because your existence is a dream, a dream in the mind of the infinite. You are a dream in the mind of the infinite, as is all of this. It is a play within the cosmic existence. It is the Lila. If you let go, have the innocence of a small child, and with wonder and joy, you feel, surrendered and you no longer need to hold on. When you let go, where do you exist? You are a dream. When you let go, who abides where you have been? You may say a Mantra and its meaning for years on end, but if it is just a drone in your mind and you don’t feel it, you don’t feel it, you don’t let go, you’re not listening. But if you feel it, really let go, whatever your practice, who lets go, who experiences the letting go? Who knows the letting go? Who is letting go? There is only one, pure immortal infinite being, eternal, omniscient, beyond comprehension of the mind. That one can be known in the heart. That one can be known by its signature of love. That one can be known in the deep peace, in the stillness, in the love. Yet it is not any of these. They’re only experiences that surround that which cannot be named, cannot be confined by any human idea, any construct. That which is is all that is.
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Living In Harmony
Spiritual Activism
Spiritual Awakening
The Nature Of Love
What Are The Niyamas
What Are The Yamas & Niyamas
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