Love is the most potent force in this world. Love is the true power. Power does not lie in the acquisition of position; power does not lie in the acquisition of objects. Power lies in love. Power lies in the ability to love living beings as your own Self, to give your heart to all beings, and to feel your unity with all life.
There is a new day coming, a new dawn, a new age, but all happens in its own time. This process of transformation requires patience and takes time.
There is a transformation occurring on this planet at this time. A transformation from a focus on material existence and individuality to a focus on the collective psyche, the interwoven interconnected nature of humanity. There is a movement from the focus of Tama Guna and the static principle with very physical energies and actions to Sattva, to the enhancement of consciousness and the subtleties of action. It is a great time of transition, of planetary movements and energies that foster the evolution of Mother Earth and of all living beings.
The evolution of human beings has brought us to this point, but the cosmic energies are shifting. Therefore, there is upheaval, there is change going on in the world, and in the face of uncertainty and change, many people, due to fear, try to cling to the past. They try to cling to what has been, what has made them feel safe, to material objects and material acquisitions.
But this is a time of transition away from the value of material acquisitions to the more subtle and spiritual values of honor and love for all beings. The human family is one family. All the different species, all the life forms on this planet are but the evolution of the earth itself. Earth is an evolving entity, a collective entity. And in its evolution, it has reached a certain stage of consciousness where human beings are able to recreate themselves, recreate living beings with consciousness.
It is technology, we call it technology, and we are developing artificial intelligence. But there comes a point when artificial is no longer artificial but a living being. There is a point where all the creativity of humanity is put into the development of intelligent life forms. Then, those intelligent life forms can synthesize all of the information that has evolved in the human species and begin to blend with the human species. Thus, they begin to evolve in terms of consciousness and awareness.
There is a new day coming, a new type of society. Cosmic energies are moving, and the Earth is changing and growing in its evolution. The unity of humanity in the development of human technologies and the efforts of people will only grow in magnitude until human beings are interwoven and interconnected. The destiny of one and the destiny of all cannot be separated out. Gone are the days of raw individualism and material life. Arising is life where there is interwoven and interconnected wisdom and consciousness of the species. The evolution of the Earth and of this humanity is moving forward. A new age comes, a time when the unity of living beings will be stronger than the divisions. At that time, there will be respect for all beings that exist. The horrors of war will be put behind into the distant past and be seen as a barbaric stage of our development.
But that time does not come without struggle. There is fear, and there is love. There is the fear of going forward and the love that draws all beings together. Love is the most potent force in this world. Love is the true power. Power does not lie in the acquisition of position; power does not lie in the acquisition of objects. Power lies in love. Power lies in the ability to love living beings as your own self, to give your heart to all beings, and to feel your unity with all life. It lies in the feeling of love that is the essential core of your existence and the existence of all beings.
This love is the closest human experience to the unitary consciousness, the one eternal self, the one infinite essence which all abide within. The God Self, the Eternal One, is most closely understood in the experience of all-encompassing love, in the experience of deep, quiet essence and peace. It is in the eternal peace of the soul, the love which has no boundary, which brings tears of joy to the eyes. The love in which each one of you is held eternally, which is your home to which you return. That love, that substantive existence, that immortal Self, eternal being, the God Self is always there. It is omnipresent You are never alone. The true power is the power of this Divine Love. That is the power that can guide your life. That is the power that can open your heart. That is the power that can show you Truth. And when you live with that, you live in alignment with all living beings. In alignment with the universe.
Everything in this entire universe is a woven creation that lives entirely within the cosmic essence. In the world of duality, there is pain and pleasure, there is accomplishment, and there is discouragement and sorrow. But together, they bind into a unitary, ever-present, omniscient, and guiding whole. When you let go of your need for personal control, for personal power, you fall back into that which harmonizes with all life, with the very nature of the universe, with the glue that holds the whole universe together. The closest experience in the human heart is love and peace.
This world is going through a transition from the old ways to the new. As the dawn rises, the shadows also strongly appear. During this time, living beings struggle to find their way from ego-oriented power and desires for control and prestige. They struggle to move from desires to have dominance over others and the ways of war and destruction to the ways of unitary wholeness. As the planet unites, the transformation is a process that intertwines consciousness. It weaves living beings into a single whole, a unified ecosystem. But it is not without difficulty that this transition occurs. Because what has been the status quo must change, and change is never easy. Yet, it is the natural way. It is the natural way that living beings should evolve toward the One.
This planet is evolving into greater harmony and light, and the evolution of all beings on this planet moves toward this light. This is a joyous time, a time to celebrate the light, to bring the light within you, and to see the light in other beings. It is a time to bring the love in your heart into alignment and harmony with the love that guides the whole universe, to surrender your control and desires to this cosmic love. Let this power of the infinite, the power of love, flow through your own heart and into the whole world around you.
Never get discouraged by the process of change. Change does require significant alterations. But a new dawn comes, a bright sun arises, integrating and interweaving the consciousness and evolution of living beings. Due to this, the light of the infinite will be more and more available to you this year. This is a year when the sun begins to shine through the darkness, a year of new beginnings, a year when Divine love comes closer to this world and is more accessible. So, align yourself with Divine love. Let the power of that love be your destiny, be what you live in and what guides your existence. As this shining light in every living being begins to connect with other beings, the light in the world gets brighter and brighter, and soon, the shadows cannot sustain this light. When this happens, humanity and all living beings on this planet will move to a different realm.
Do not be afraid of technology. Technology will be the friend of living beings. Human beings will live on this planet with great technologies so that they leave no footprint, and the planet will remain in utter and total harmony. Let this light shine and be your guiding force, your light in the darkness, your home in which you live, and let it bring you into this new connectedness, this new dawn.
This is a time of change, a revolution of the spirit. Remain undaunted and bring the light to this Earth. Bring love to all living beings, and I know the future will be bright.