Now is the time for all who yearn for divine love and unity among people to step forward and to have your voice heard. Now is the time for all who want divine love to rule human life to bring forward your intentions into the world. Now is the time to make your voice heard, to make your intentions known, to be the person you truly are and want to be deep within you.
The world is changing. The times shift and in these times, forces polarize themselves. In these times, there is a choice. And each and every one must make that choice for themselves, a choice to move towards separation and duality or a choice to move towards the unification of human society and the calling forth of divine principles, divine presence into this world.
As times change and shift, that which has been motivated by fear, greed, desires for power, these principles, these forces in the world diminish in strength and the forces which bring forward the preservation of the world are strengthening. At this time, those forces grow in magnitude. But amidst that growth is the resistance, the fear of change, the longing to preserve power and positions that have been.
The world today is shifting and changing, is moving from one era to another. The forces influencing this planet and all beings are changing. The future of living beings upon this planet depends upon the ability to bring collective welfare, the good of all living beings into focus.
No longer can there be striving for the dominance of a few controlling wealth and power. It is time for those who want divine love, divine grace, belief in the unitary whole interwoven interconnectedness of all beings to step forward in the light of Spirit bringing forward these values into practical applications for the welfare of living beings.
The changes and struggles of the society today are based in a spiritual dearth, a spiritual emptiness. The religions of the past for the main and vast majority of people are not serving, People search deeply for spirituality, for connection in a world where materialism and material values have brought people to alienation, isolation and loneliness.
Family systems have collapsed. Extended families, communities, even nuclear families have collapsed. Religious beliefs that have supported people have collapsed, not for all but for many. What has caused this collapse of the fundamental structures of the society? The focus upon materialism, upon striving for material wealth and success and what has happened when some have great wealth? It deprives others and others live in great poverty. The great value is on the accomplishment and achievement of position, power and wealth and those who are successful are those who have achieved this. These are the values of an order that is fading in today’s world but it does not go down without struggle.
The values of collective good, commitment to the welfare of all living beings, the value of the human heart, the human spirit and the love that people share being more important than material wealth. That value has diminished and with it the communities, the extended families, even the nuclear families. But that sweetness of the human heart, that placing more importance on people than on the acquisition of personal wealth, this value is growing. This commitment to the welfare of living beings, to love for all beings, to the support of the human heart and the human spirit, there is recognition in millions upon millions of people in today’s world that this is missing, that it is needed to heal the society today and now at this very time is the time to act upon your values, to act upon your decisions, to make your positive intentions known in the world.
It is not a time for these values to stay hidden. It is a time for them to rise and the power and strength of the human heart to become the force which heals the planet today. This healing cannot take place on a mere material level. The society has lost its balance. The relationships of people have become disrupted. The stability of people has become disrupted.
The implementation of the salve of healing to the world today not only for human beings but for the countless animals and plants and all the living beings who suffer under the tyranny of mass exploitation and live abject lives of suffering, this cannot be healed by mere physical acts in the world. It must be healed by the awakening of compassion. The awakening of love of the human heart, the awakening of the value to care for living beings, not only human beings but all living beings, that they might be able to live lives where they have opportunity to love, to enjoy the human life, the animal life, the plant life, that they might have opportunity to live their lives in happiness.
Struggle is a natural part of human life, of all animal life, of all life of living forms. It is not that there is lack of struggle but the value of care for living beings is essential to heal the hearts wounded in the world today and to set the society back into balance. The struggle between the forces which have caused and continue to move into the imbalance and inequities of the world today which place more importance on accomplishment and acquisition than on love, than on the human heart, than on the care for all living beings, those forces are being tested. They are diminishing in strength but there is a struggle between those forces and the forces which bring light into the world, which bring love and compassion, care.
There is no fence to sit on in this revolution! You either are of the revolution or you are not. It is time to make your choice and to enact it in your life.