Ask yourself how much time you devote to exploring your inner nature and your connection to the infinite, and how much of your time is devoted to tasks projects, and engagements in worldly activities. You may find that the time you spend is not so great unless you transmute your relationship with this world into a relationship with the divine.
If you transmute your relationship to this world, seeing that you are composed of the one eternal Self and all beings are part of that Self, and you begin to see there is only the one, then though you walk in the world, you are not of this world. You have a greater understanding. Though you interact in daily life, you remain in the constant, unchanging nature of the deeper Self, the one Self of all living beings. READ THIS ARTICLE How To Connect with Your True Nature
All beings want to be happy. That search for happiness governs our lives. Sometimes this is seen in careers and relationships; in many ways, people seek happiness. Sometimes in material objects. But real happiness that does not change with changing times cannot be from this material world because all things change. Even your body changes. You begin with the body of a tiny baby, and you end up old, should you live so long. READ THIS ARTICLE |
The Vastness of Your True Nature
The individual self, the ego self has many desires, wants many things. But the eternal being wants only one thing, that all beings, all creation, return to its source, return to infinite being. There is no separation between you and Parama Purusha, between you and that infinite consciousness. READ THIS ARTICLE The Relationship Between You and the Beloved
The path of devotion, Bhakti, has certain elements that are significant. There is a practice of Bhakti Yoga, but the real Bhakti comes with Jnana, comes with knowledge, and comes when the knowledge in the head becomes sufficient that the heart opens, when through Karma Yoga, through selfless service to living beings through an attitude of lovingkindness to all beings, and through understanding about te nature of the infinite, a longing arises in the heart to know the great. READ THIS ARTICLE How to Connect with Your True Nature
"That Self of yourself that goes on eternally, that never changes; that is pure being, pure divine intelligence. And in it the whole world of form and all the living beings are spun into existence, arise for a time, and dissolve again into the whole. This is the nature of creation. It is born, lives, exists and passes from view. Even the planets themselves, and the sun, follow this pattern. All life follows this pattern." READ THIS ARTICLE Your Authentic Spiritual Self as Your Center ..."Humans are those species that have developed beyond animal existence, beyond the grasping and needing. They have developed a self-reflective consciousness. When a living being develops this self-reflective consciousness, the ability to ask, “Who am I? Why am I here?” READ THIS ARTICLE Parama Purusha: Your True Nature
Namaskar. Parama Purusha is both a personal entity, has a personal relationship to each and every being, as well as being the cosmic progenitor, the one who has flung the stars in the heaven. That one abides in the eternal essence of consciousness, the eternal essence of being, and in the multiplicity and variety of creation. READ THIS ARTICLE |
The Knower and the Whitness
ParamaPurusha, that infinite essence of being, is everywhere. There is nowhere that that one is not—in all planes and dimensions of all beings, in the multitude of worlds, in the space and emptiness, in that which is manifest and that which is formless—that infinite consciousness, that self of all essence is. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
What Does it Mean to Follow a Spiritual Path
What does it mean to be connected to your spirit, to follow the path of spiritual development? For many, it means joining a group and following the social codes and teachings of that particular group or teacher. But the degree to which there is true development in spiritual life depends, not upon adhering to the disciplines of the group alone, but upon real connection to the Divine. READ THIS ARTICLE |
What is the Knowing Consciousness of Self
The question comes in all spiritual practices, in all spiritual life—who are you? Who are you and what is this life of yours? When you begin to answer that question perhaps different answers come, many answers, that have limitations of time and place, that ground you to different experiences of your life. But then the question comes: Who is having these experiences? Who is knowing the experience? READ THIS ARTICLE>. |
The Power of Direct Experience
For those whose minds are very active, logical, and less emotionally inclined, a Jnani form of meditation is often preferred. Something that works with the mind. Writings that speak to ideas in the mind appeal, and meditation practices that calm the mind and the intellect appeal. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Two Great Impediments to Spiritual Awakening
There are two great impediments to spiritual life. The first is attachment to the body and sensory experience. This is because when there is attachment to the physical form and sensory experience there is engagement with the body-mind structure and the belief that you are this small person who abides in the body. READ THIS ARTICLE > |
Devotion and the Opening of the Heart
Devotion is a path to the infinite. But it is also, in the Yogic teachings—when combined with Jnana and Karma, with knowledge and good action, right action—devotion, Bhakti, can be a very powerful aspect of one’s spiritual journey. Without the engagement of the heart, without the engagement of love, spiritual practice is dry, and the true nature of the infinite cannot be known. READ THIS ARTICLE > |
The Witnessing Consciousness That is You
You consider yourself an individual. You have a feeling of self, an I-feeling. You know who you are and then you identify yourself as all of the experiences you have had, the circumstances around you; all the things you know about yourself... You either feel good and accomplished, or you feel somewhat bad about yourself. READ THIS ARTICLE > |
What is Pure Consciousness
Divinity is all around—within you, around you, in every living being you meet and come in contact with. It is the pulse of life, the thread which binds all things together, the very substantive nature of all creation. Divinity is not an abstraction far away, an idea that can't be grasped. No. It is your everyday experience. It is the life of your life, the blood of your blood, the essence of your own mind. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
The True Purpose of Meditation
When entering spiritual life, many people are seeking to improve themselves in some way: to gain better concentration, to improve their health, to improve their mental development...But as mind grows in magnitude, as the Sadhaka, the spiritual aspirant, deepens in their spiritual process, they come to realize that there is a point in which acquiring, even things that are very beneficial, is a bondage—that the very act of desiring and acquiring is the building of the ego structure, the development, the satiation of the ego. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
The True Purpose of Being Human
When one has true devotion, the true feeling of love for the supreme, for that divinity which is in the core of all existence, then that love that you have is a gift, a gift from divine being, a gift of the Sat guru. That love, that passion inside of you, to know God, to know the infinite, to know the divine consciousness, which is at the core of your being, and to meld your individual self-back into that core essence from which you have come—that is the goal of human life. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
The Doer of All Things
There are many crossroads in life and depending upon the patterns of mind that get established in your genetics and in your life patterns from past patterns, you believe certain things to be true; you respond in certain ways. And this build-up of choices, one upon the other, leads to the direction of your life. They build momentum. READ THIS ARTICLE> What is Parama Purusha or Pure Consciousness - Parama Purusha loves everyone. There is no part of this creation that that one divine essence does not care for. Even the darkest shadows, as well as the brightest days, are within the purview of that infinite entity. Everything, and everyone, is a part of that divine whole, that cosmic progenitor. READ THIS ARTICLE |
What Does it Mean to be Spiritually Aware - It brings us into knowledge of our eternal being, knowledge of awareness of consciousness so that we know the difference from being conscious and simply responding and reacting to situations, people, and existence around us. Spirituality is that which uplifts the human spirit, which brings us from animal consciousness into awareness of ourselves, not as a body, not as a physical entity but as a spiritual existence. READ THIS ARTICLE >
Expanding Your Awareness and Feeling More Unified with Life
You know divinity is all around and within you. In every person that you meet, in every flower, in every tree, in every plant and every animal, the divine being is everywhere. It is only due to distraction and misperception that that is not seen. When you remind yourself that that divinity is everywhere, you awaken in the moment. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Human Life as a Path to Awakening
Human life is an ideological flow; a movement from crudity to subtlety. Not everyone who inhabits a human body takes advantage of the potentials of their human existence. But for those who do, it is a path of awakening to new dimensions of existence—to subtlety of energy, subtlety of being, subtlety of consciousness. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
The Everlasting Presence of Your Essential Self
In all the world there are there is nothing so attractive, so profound as that causative being, that one at the center of existence. That causative being is the very essence of everything that is. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Be the Polestar of Your Own Life - Humanity is one and indivisible. All life is one and indivisible. There was a time in human history when the people of a different race or a different nationality would be enslaved by conquerors, made to work as slaves for those who were the conquering nation, conquering race because human beings could not perceive the unitary nature of humanity. They could only perceive themselves as a group, separate from another. READ THIS ARTICLE>
Your Relationship With the Divine
Parama Purusha has both an external and an internal relationship with each and every person, both a general relationship and a very personal relationship. In the general sense, that divine entity, that most beloved of your heart, is the essential being, is the substance of this entire universe, of this entire creation. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
There is a Deeper Purpose to Human Life
Sometimes you may ask yourself, why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Why am I doing all the things I do each day? Human life is very short. You are a babe, a child, a youth, then you've grown to adulthood, and then adulthood passes, and you move to your elder years, and then finally the body dissolves. READ THIS ARTICLE > |
The Inner Fulfillment of Your Divine Nature
There are many things which pull us away from spiritual life. Pull us in different directions in our lives trying to find the essential happiness that dwells deep within. That we find when we experience a sense of wholeness, a sense of completeness that comes when there is deep love in our life. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
How the Soul Develops and Grows Spiritually
There are many different types of experiences in human life. They run the gamut from very difficult and painful experiences to very joyous, very meaningful experiences. But of all those experiences, be they extremely difficult or extremely successful and blissful, they all have something in common. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Who You Really Are - In the course of human life, there are many different types of experiences. Human life is an opportunity. Sometimes it may seem like an uphill battle. Other times it feels like you are riding the top of a wave. However, whether you are young or old, you have an opportunity before you. An opportunity to be the deepest, the richest, the strongest aspect of your own being, to cultivate your own deepest self, your own deepest knowledge of who you are. The yogis say that human life is very rare and very precious. This opportunity before you are the exploration of your own inner being. READ THIS ARTICLE >
The Struggle to Survive - This talk discusses what it is to be born into this life and who we can truly depend on. "You know, human life is from the very start a struggle. From the very beginning the baby comes out from the womb, enters into the cold air and cries. READ THIS ARTICLE >
Yearning for the Divine
You know, people ask, “What does it mean to follow the spiritual path? What does it mean to establish a deep and personal relationship to the Divine?” These are very good questions. What does it mean? What does it mean to attain enlightenment, Self-realization? What is the goal of spiritual life? What is the goal of your life?. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
God, Death, and Dying
This is a benevolent universe led by a guiding force, which continues to guide in love; the underlying force of this guiding principle is a kind of glue that holds the universe together in unity. In the process of creation, there is always a pull from the cosmic nucleus, bringing living beings closer and closer... READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Alignment With Higher Purpose
"Every person struggles in their life. Sometimes those struggles are very consuming and dominant, and other times they may be just minor. Life is going along being happy and then there are times when life is really joyous, when you feel very fulfilled, complete, safe, secure and happy. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Loving Your Divine Form
You have each come from your own journey of life to converge in this moment, at this place, to share in this Sangha. But despite your differences and your unique backgrounds, you share something in common, and that is a love for the Divine. A longing to be close to that Divinity and to have that Divinity be an integral part of your life. READ THIS ARTICLE > |
AI & the Evolution of Human Consciousness
Artificial intelligence and technology are the next stage of evolution for humanity. Human biology may soon become integrated with technology. The advent of cellphones has already begun making human life much more interconnected. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Self-Realization, the Movement from Physical to Subtle Consciousness - Human life is a movement from crudity to subtlety. If this movement is not there, a human life may be only an animal life, for surely all creatures have emotions, feelings. They hunger. They thirst. They need shelter. READ THIS ARTICLE >