How to Connect with Your True Nature
Namaskar. All beings want to be happy. That search for happiness governs our lives. Sometimes this is seen in careers and relationships; in many ways, people seek happiness. Sometimes in material objects. But real happiness that does not change with changing times cannot be from this material world because all things change. Even your body changes. You begin with the body of a tiny baby, and you end up old, should you live so long. |
The Knower and the Witness - The world today is in a process of change. That change creates a shifting, and in that shifting, there is an undoing of things that have been, so that there is an opportunity for new development, new levels of awareness. As I have noted, that spiritual force, that divine connection, will become more accessible this year, more available to those who attune to that vital frequency.
What is Needed to Move Forward
The world today is in a process of change. That change creates a shifting, and in that shifting, there is an undoing of things that have been, so that there is an opportunity for new development, new levels of awareness. As I have noted that spiritual force, that divine connection, will become more accessible this year, more available to those who attune to that vital frequency. READ THIS ARTICLE |
The Three Essential Factors in a Spiritual Life
There are three essential factors in spiritual life. The first, the central component, is a sincere desire to know the great, a sincere desire to move beyond ordinary thinking and the parameters of the sense of self as a body-mind structure, to want to find that esoteric essence, that something essential inside of yourself, that is something more, something great. That is the first and foremost component: a longing, a longing for freedom, for love divine, for spiritual essence, to find that deeper part of yourself. |
Two Great Impediments to Spiritual Life - There are two great impediments to spiritual life. The first is attachment to the body and sensory experience. When there is attachment to the physical form and the sensory experience, there is engagement with the body-mind structure. Then the belief that you are a small person who abides in the body grows. When that belief becomes dominant, attachment to the enjoyment of sensory experience and embodiment becomes a hindrance, overtaking the mind and leaving consciousness attached to an embodiment. READ THIS ARTICLE>
Three Gifts for Spiritual Practice - In spiritual life there are three important concepts that can further your spiritual development and make all the difference. The first concept is Dharma. Without Dharma, there is no spiritual life. READ THIS ARTICLE>
True and False Identification: Do you feel confused sometimes as to who you truly are? Discover the difference between the small self and the SELF, your true identity. "Spiritual life entails not only deep contemplation, but also your actions in the world"...READ THIS ARTICLE >
Bhakti the Path of Love: This article delves into the different forms of love and gives an understanding of the meaning of the yogic path of devotional love for the Divine or Bhakti.
"Love is something that cannot be purchased, cannot be bought, cannot be traded, cannot be owned. You can say that you love someone because they love you, but deep inside love is more than a feeling you have about someone. Love is a state of being. It is your natural state of being. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
Yearning to Know the Divine: This talk describes the barriers that impede our journey towards self-realization and how we can work with them. "You know, everyone really wants to know the Divine, to know the love that is deep within them.
How the Witness Functions in Consciousness: The nature of Witness consciousness is discussed. Unmanifested consciousness expresses itself into Nature, and the diversity of the universe is created. Time and space and the objects and creatures of our world appear to be real. READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Meaning of Self Realization: This talk discusses what it means to be a self-realized person. "What does it mean to become Self-realized? What does it mean to be enlightened? These are the goals of so many spiritual practices and people doing spiritual practice want to achieve these goals but what does it mean? READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Higher Purpose for Human Suffering - The higher purpose of human suffering is a complex and philosophical concept that various religious, spiritual, and philosophical traditions throughout history have explored. Different perspectives offer different interpretations. It's important to note that perspectives on the purpose of suffering vary widely, and individuals may find meaning in different ways based on their cultural, religious, or philosophical beliefs. READ THIS ARTICLE>
What Are Samskaras: Have you ever wondered why you react the way you do to some of life's challenges? Find out more about what makes you do what you do. Samskaras are those reactions of the mind latent within you.READ THIS ARTICLE > |
Fear and Love: There are two forces that move human experience. They are opposite forces. One is fear, and the other, love. Discover how these two forces play out in your life. READ THIS ARTICLE >
The Root Cause of Suffering: In human life, there are many different types of experiences. Everyone encounters difficult experiences. We have experiences of pain, sorrow, loss, sadness, and fear, even anger. We also have happy experiences, experiences of success, experiences of joy, and experiences of love. Human life is complex. READ THIS ARTICLE >
Emotional Suffering: This article discusses how feeling deep emotions can be a doorway into our connection with our soul and our true self. "You know, there are different emotions that people suffer – anger, sorrow, the pain of loss, the feeling of loneliness and emptiness, the feeling of betrayal, the desire for revenge. READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Suffering of the Ego: This article discusses the relationship between the body-mind and the nature of suffering. "What stands between happiness in life is often suffering, pain caused by a reaction to experiences. As life goes on and one accumulates more and more experiences. READ THIS ARTICLE>
Meaning, Purpose, and Happiness: "All beings want to be happy. Happiness comes in human life when there is a sense of fulfillment, a sense of meaning. " This talk discusses what brings everlasting fulfillment and true happiness into your life. READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Road to True Happiness: Happiness takes many forms. If you think in your life, when have you been most happy? Imagine those times in your life that you have been happy. They may be times when you are in close community with others. READ THIS ARTICLE.>
Seeking Happiness in the World: This article discusses what is lasting happiness and how to find it. "Everyone wants to find deep and lasting happiness -- happiness which will not fade with the sands of time, happiness that fulfills the deepest part of the human heart. READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Divine Mother: This article focuses on Mother Mary. "Mother Mary is a very interesting topic. I shall speak at some length about it. There are in the world different archetypes or manifestations in subtle planes of divine forces and the Holy Mother is the embodiment of the divine feminine aspect...READ THIS ARTICLE >
The Feminine Path to God: This talk discusses the biological differences between men and women and how that effects self-realization. It also talks about the benefits of a feminine approach to self-realization... READ THIS ARTICLE>
Women's Civilization of Old Europe: This talk discusses the ancient civilizations of former matriarchal cultures and how they changed to a more patriarchal culture... READ THIS ARTICLE>
Feminine Mysticism: In the Atlantean society there was a matriarchal base. It was not only matriarchal, but there were also other influences, but it was primarily a matriarchal society... READ THIS ARTICLE>
Update on This Time of Transition and Chaos -"The term “woke” is one with an unclear meaning that various people have ascribed meaning to depending upon their belief systems, some using it as a derogatory term for others who have a different political view, some using it to denote other approaches, and then those adopting it for their approach. It has various connotations, positive and negative..."
READ THIS ARTICLEUpdate on This Time of Transition and Chaos |
How to Find Your Personal Dharma - Every person has a destiny, a purpose to their life. Whether that purpose is known or unknown depends upon your willingness to look within and connect to that purpose. That purpose is your personal Dharma, your deep path for your individual being. READ THIS ARTICLE >
Migration, Climate Change, and the Future - In this talk, Maetreyii Ma's intuitive guidance answers questions related to the most current world situations of climate change, migration patterns of refugees, and the future of our democracy and world. READ THIS ARTICLE>
Dharma and Resolving Conflict - There are times in the spiritual path when tendencies of conflict rise up to be worked with. The solutions lie in viable compassionate communication, in the effort to understand each other and to find a common humanity and loving kindness. READ THIS ARTICLE>
World Situation: Migration, Climate Change, and the Future - This article discusses some of the reasons why we are where we are, and what can be done to shift the world situation if we choose to. "This is a very serious topic you have brought to light today. The world situation is in great flux. READ THIS ARTICLE >
Dharma and the Tao -This article discusses what dharma is and how your dharma can express easily when you live in alignment with the Tao. "What is dharma? It is a word that is commonly used, perhaps you have heard people say, “it is his dharma”. What does that mean? READ THIS ARTICLE >
The Rise of Nationalism - This article describes what causes nationalism to rise, what is occurring in the U.S. and abroad, how climate change is affecting the rise of nationalism and the result. "You know, there is indeed a movement toward protectionism. READ THIS ARTICLE>
Families, Tribes, Community, and Life Struggles: This talk describes how human life is an opportunity to move from physicality to subtlety of mind, to the waves of spiritual love, kindness, compassion, truthfulness, contentment, and spiritual union with that unconditional love - which is the source of all.READ THIS ARTICLE >
New Year's Message 2025 Love is the most potent force in this world. Love is the true power. Power does not lie in the acquisition of position; power does not lie in the acquisition of objects. Power lies in love. Power lies in the ability to love living beings as your own Self, to give your heart to all beings, and to feel your unity with all life. There is a new day coming, a new dawn, a new age, but all happens in its own time. This process of transformation requires patience and takes time....> READ THIS ARTICLE |
New Year's Message 2024 - Each year of this Mother Earth is a part of a process of change. In this physical world, change is a given. Nothing remains static. Movement either moves towards the one eternal being, or it moves away into duality, separation, and suffering.
This movement is always going on, and as a human being you are in a unique position of choice..." READ THIS ARTICLE New Year's Message 2023 - Each day is a new day, a new beginning. What has been cannot be changed. What will be cannot be affected. There is only this day, this moment. This is where you can make a change, for yourself and for the world.
Each day, each morning is a new opportunity, a new phase of your existence. There is no time to waste looking backward. The past is gone. It is the present in which you can be truly who you are, in which you can make effective changes in your life. Now is the time for a new beginning. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
The Winds of Change, 2020 New Year's Vanii
"Let all beings be happy. Let all beings enjoy this world and live in harmony. Let the light of the infinite shine bright and be the polestar of a new dawn for humanity and all who reside upon this earth. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
A Call to Action, New Year's Vanii 2019 - Nothing is won in human life without struggle. The babe when first born struggles to breathe in order to survive, the child struggles to learn, to grow, to understand the world around them. The struggle is a part and parcel of human life. READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Eternal Flame, New Year's Vanii 2018 - Light always overcomes darkness. Truth is always more potent than lies. Love is stronger than fear. The way of truth, love, light, and wisdom, will never be suppressed for long. Love is the strongest force that exists in this world. It is through love and through truth that balance is restored. So never think that darkness or shadows can hide the sun, their time is fleeting. READ THIS ARTICLE>
The Human Heart New Years Vanii 2017
Spiritual life is ever a fight, a fight against stagnancy, ignorance, and illusion. It is a fight to know reality, a struggle to move from darkness and ignorance into light and infinite love. No spiritual life is devoid of this struggle. The spiritual path is not one of convenience or complacency. It is a movement toward truth, unity, and wholeness. READ THIS ARTICLE> |
A Spiritual Revolution New Year's Vanii 2016
Now is the time for all who yearn for divine love and unity among people to step forward and have their voices heard. Now is the time for all who want divine love to rule human life to bring forward your intentions into the world. Now is the time to make your voice heard, to make your intentions known, to be the person you truly are and want to be deep within you. READ THIS ARTICLE> |