In this Baba Talk, I’ll discuss how human consciousness is evolving in the coming New Age and how artificial intelligence can work with this shift if used for the highest good for all.
What Does it Mean to Follow a Spiritual Path - Following a spiritual path involves a personal and often transformative journey that seeks to connect an individual with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and understanding of life and existence.
Connecting with Love and Pure Consciousness: In this Baba Talk, you’ll learn how to connect with your natural state of being and realize that you are not bound by material things, not even your body. Your natural state of being is eternally free. The road inward to your natural state lies through the heart. See it manifest in your own soul. Melt into it. Take the shelter of the infinite. The greatest thing you can do is bring this light into the world
Setting Your Intention on Love - We all have a choice where to put our intentions. Do you choose to live in service to love and truth or to the material world? Find out how you can listen to your heart and know what path is your true desire.
Your relationship with Pure Consciousness is not only about understanding a philosophical concept; it’s about experiencing the profound connection to the fabric of existence. By incorporating mindfulness and awareness into your daily life, you can awaken to the richness of your inner self and live with greater authenticity, peace, and fulfillment.
You Are Never Alone - The Divine Being is everywhere In your world travels you always have the infinite one with you, even in the darkest of times and experiences are part of the essential essence of life..
Understanding the Collective Consciousness -In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, the concept of collective group identity—how people see themselves as part of a larger group—plays a crucial role in shaping societies, communities, and even individual experiences. This talk will explore the concept of collective identity, why it matters, how it forms, and its influence on both society and individual well-being
How to Transcend Fear - During these challenging times, you may be experiencing days where you feel fearful about the future. Learning how you can connect with the Source of who you are and to sustain that feeling will help you to release fear.
Dealing with the Difficulties of Embodied Consciousness - The trials in tribulations of life, and the difficulties that you encounter in your day-to-day activities are part and parcel of your spiritual path. There is no separation between your daily life and your spiritual being. You are a conscious, aware, intelligent being, embodied in a physical form that you experience through the senses and the world around you.
Awaken to the Opportunities in Your Life-In this podcast reconnect with the joy of living and being grateful for everything that comes your way rather than focusing on the challenges and negativity.
Staying Centered During Times of Change - "The world today is changing, it’s up to all of us to find the right please and choose actions that will be a positive force in our life. There are so many day-to-day challenges that can transform us from one phase to another and it can be a challenge to find the right place for you. The world is shifting, changing, and shifting from one age to another. This can be a difficult task, to know your place at this time..."
The Mind and Happiness - What creates enduring happiness? The role that the mind plays in our feeling happy is not real and will not create a lasting experience of true happiness. Discover what will
The Heart Knows the Way - What brings you true peace and happiness? Your inner Guru the Beloved of your heart is always there to guide you and help you in your life.
Baba's Healing Meditation -This is a guided meditation on healing the planet and includes the introduction.
What Happens When You Focus on Spiritual Awakening
There are many different types of people some who are focused on the material world and those who are focused more on the spiritual realms and higher frequencies. What makes them different? Find out now. |
How to Integrate Your Spiritual Life in the World This talk focuses on how you can live more integrated and less compartmental with your spiritual and secular life.
Human Life as a Path to Awakening
In this podcast discover the variations of the different paths to our awakening and why the human path is so challenging and also so rewarding. |
No matter what challenges you may face in this world it is important to realize that there is great beauty and great love in all circumstances.
Deepening Your Connection Through Self with Meditation - Meditation is a practice to help your mind to become calm and still, but once you have achieved this state it becomes an opportunity to go deeper and to connect with your True Nature.
Moving Through Thee Transiton Times- Discover how you can be more at ease with the changes ahead.
The Revolution of the People - Welcome to this episode, where we delve into the moments that challenge and reshape our understanding of revolutions, fundamental shifts, and their impact on relationships and environments. Join us as we explore the signs that prompt us to recognize when a revolution is on the horizon—the uprising of ordinary people transforming the very fabric of our planet
What Happens When a Society and People Are Unbalanced - When a society and its people are unbalanced, it means that there is a significant lack of harmony and equilibrium in various aspects of their lives, whether it be economically, socially, culturally, or environmentally.
Your Relationship with Collective Karma and Society - Discover how your personal karma, samsaras and experiences and how you meet those challenges, have a direct effect on the collective whole of humanities karma and society.
The Relationship Between Religion, Politics and Spirituality. The relationship between religion, politics, and spirituality reflects the fundamental human quest for meaning, belonging, and purpose. Whether expressed through prayer, activism, or contemplation, these realms offer pathways for individuals and communities to grapple with life's most profound questions and aspirations. By fostering mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation, we can harness the transformative potential of religion, politics, and spirituality to create a more just, compassionate, and harmonious world for all.
Understanding These Turbulent Times -The world is concerned as each of you is concerned regarding the difficulties that are facing the world. This is a time that has been much talked about, a period of turmoil for humanity. Humanity faces a great transition from one age to another and this transition requires that people find a new way of relating to each other.
The Foundation for an Ethical Spiritual Practice - A Strong spiritual life must have a foundation of ethics to support it. The Yamas and Niyamas will help you to establish this foundation. Find out more by listening to this podcast.
How to Integrate Your Spiritual Life in the World - What does it take to be able to integrate your spiritual values into your daily life. How can you close the gap between both worlds and become the teaching itself?
How to Live in Harmony - A question for the ages; one can follow these principles: Respect each other's opinions, beliefs, and values. Practice good communication and active listening.. Listen Now
The Way to Eliminate Your Samskaras - Samskaras are impressions or imprints left on the mind by past experiences and actions, which can influence future thoughts, behaviors, and tendencies. Eliminating samskaras is a complex process that requires self-awareness, mindfulness, and dedicated practice. |
Practices of a True Spiritual Path -What makes you someone who is living their spiritual values? How can you have a deeper alignment with the Divine within yourself? These are some of the questions answered int this podcast.
The Process of Unification - In a realm beyond the physical confines existed a profound understanding of the unification process with all. It was an ancient wisdom that whispered through the cosmic winds, inviting seekers to embark on a transformative journey of oneness.
What is the Nature of Life and the Cosmos
What is our true relationship to life and the cosmos we live in? How do we develop a more personal relationship with life and with our True Nature? These are some of the questions discussed in this podcast. |
Understanding the Intelligence of the Cosmos
What is the nature of the Cosmos and what is its relationship to you? Discover what is always present, always with you and how you are one and the same. The Evolution of Human Conscious -
What Causes people to evolve, expand and shift in consciousness is the question which is explored in depth in this podcast. |
Natural Patterns, Science, Cosmic Mind - Your relationship and connection to the cosmos is explored as well as how the rhythm and cosmological patterns of the universe effect our society.
The Three Paths of Yoga - Yoga is a system that when fully understood and practiced will support your spirit, mind and body and offer you a code for living your life in alignment with your principles and integrity Find out more and listen.