Namaskar. Each day is a new day, a new beginning. What has been cannot be changed. What will be cannot be affected. There is only this day, this moment. This is where you can make a change, for yourself and for the world.
Each day, each morning is a new opportunity, a new phase of your existence. There is no time to waste looking backward. The past is gone. It is the present in which you can be truly who you are, in which you can make effective changes in your life. Now is the time for a new beginning.
When turmoil and change are afoot in the world around you, where is your steady base? Where is your guiding force? It lies within you, in your spirit. There you have the opportunity to find your focus, find your strength, find your wholeness and calmness, no matter what the external circumstances are.
It is in the development of your relationship with your inner spiritual essence that true growth and healing occur. Each and every being is called to their spiritual essence and is called to feel the connection to the infinite. Allow that connection to be in your heart, in your mind, and in your life. Through that connection comes the opportunity to withstand difficulties, trials, and tribulations, and to make effective changes in the world. This is because it is not the assertion of your personal pride and desires, but the flow of the harmony of the universe which will come through in your actions.
As so many people find this alignment to spirit, to the deeper essence of their own self, then that collective force begins to bring harmony back to the world. You are not alone in your desire to bring spiritual life alive within you and to live it in the world. This longing is strong in people today, especially in those in today’s world who face some of the greatest hardships. It is the spirit that carries them through the hardships, makes them able to weather the storms, and makes you able to weather storms.
The collective spirit of humanity is strengthening. The flow of the infinite towards the earth plane is strong and will be stronger throughout this year. Your ability to maintain and sustain that connection will grow. The ability of human beings to align with the divine purpose and will shall grow. The opening of that channel is coming. It is becoming stronger and will grow stronger as this year goes on.
These are times of change and transition in the world. Old dogmas, old ways of operating are being challenged and they are falling apart. A new vital flow that is in alignment with universal truth and love is becoming stronger. Access to this will be growing throughout the year. It is this access which gives you the opportunity to make effective change in your life and in the lives of others around you.
Now is not the time for inaction. Action will be forced upon you. There is no time to sit on the fence. The world is in a process of change and that change will develop, grow more critical during this year, more essential, and affect the lives of more people.
There are many troubles facing the world, but all of them have one cause: the static energies that have permeated the planet, flung it into the throes of materialism, are being challenged. The spiritual life is awakening and materialism, with the inevitable destructiveness that it has reached, is crumbling.
In this process of change there is disruption and struggle. Struggle is a part and parcel of human life, of all life. The babe comes out of the womb and cries, struggles to take a first breath, to be in the world. All life struggles to survive. Struggle is a part and parcel of existence.
But when there is alignment with the cosmic flow from the supreme into this worldly life, then harmony comes. Even though those struggles may be there in the world—there is harmony within you and peace. You know your place and your Dharma, your work. That this will become more accessible to you throughout this year is the grace of the infinite moving closer to living beings at this time.
Now is the time to do what you can, be it great or ever so small, to help this world. Even the smallest acts of kindness or compassion, make a difference. When they are practiced by a hundred people, a thousand people, a million people, the very nature of the world changes. Living beings need care and support. By finding your true alignment, being an embodiment of divine will, and treating all with kindness, helping in whatever ways you can, this world in change will flourish.
When there are a hundred hands, a thousand hands, ten thousand hands, a million hands helping, then the shift, the change, the birth that is happening will go forward. For there is a birth of a new age, a new dawn, a new beginning, a time in the world in which great harmony will abide, where war will not touch this planet, and living beings will all live in harmony. That time is approaching. But the change that is occurring, like any birth, is a struggle. And there is pain involved.
When that alignment is there, peace, calm, right action find you. For when you surrender yourself to the divine will and the infinite love of the supreme, in that alignment your actions are in harmony with the universe, with the flow of the cosmos. And as the people of this planet move into harmony, the grip of materialism will fall away and the welfare of all will become the dominant concern of living beings.
The will of the infinite will guide this journey forward into the golden years of harmony and well-being. You are in the transition, in the birth of a new era, and as with any birth, there is struggle, struggle to move out into your Dharma, not only you personally but the collective. The whole world is in this movement, not one nation, not one country, not one culture or people, but the whole world together is birthing a new era, a new time, a time that has never been in human history in this place.
This new dawn is rising. Its light shining for all to see. But when the first light comes, the shadows are long—until the sun grows so bright that the shadows disappear completely. Thus, the light of the alignment that you have is the healing balm, not only for your soul and your mind but for the planet as a whole.