Launching a new book successfully truly takes a village. In the ever expanding and highly competitive industry of self-publishing, a successful book launch is imperative if you wish to get your book onto Amazon's Best Seller List. That is why Maetreyii is asking anyone who wishes to help her launch Into the Heart of the Infinite to join her team.
What this means is that each person who becomes a part of our team to help launch Maetreyii's newest book is the following:
You agree to get an early preview copy of the book to read in advance of launch day.
You agree to buy the Kindle .99 version of the book and post your book review on Amazon on launch day. If you can we would appreciate a video book review as well that you can upload and post on our book page as well.
You agree to use your social media platforms to post about the launch in advance of the book after you have read it, and during the first week of the launch.
You agree to share it with your friends and family as appropriate.
What You Will Receive For helping Maetreyii promote her book you will receive a copy of the paperback version of the book, and we will include your names in the Kindle version of the book.
How you can join our team:
All you have to do is contact our office or Maetreyii via email[email protected], or if you have her number call or text her that you would like to be on her book launch team. Someone will get back with you and you will get a copy of the book.