In real love, there is compassion; there is loving kindness and there is selflessness. The noble qualities of the human heart are inspired by love and come into play. When love is just a business deal, “I will give you my time and energy if you give me what I want,” then the business deal isn’t real love. It is simply business, not love. Even when you say, “I love you because it makes me feel good to love you,” still it is not love because it is a lower state of love. Because in these loves you are concerned with yourself, with your Ego self, with your body mind and so the ability to transcend your limitation of being goes away.
When you love deeply and fully; when you give your heart in surrender; when you care for the welfare of your beloved and to make your beloved happy is your soul desire, in that dedicated love, there is a surrender of I and Mine and the duality of I and Thou dissolves and lover and beloved become one.
In that moment of wholeness, you forget your limitations. You forget your individuality. You forget your separation and you become something whole, something great. That kind of love is a love that undying, transcendent. It gives meaning to human life and human experience and it brings great happiness, not the happiness that is involved with Ego and separation and your own personal progress but the happiness that comes when you go beyond your individuality and connect with the wholeness of being.
This love is a great love. When you go to know the Divine in meditation, it is very difficult without love. Love is the currency of that divine connection. When you truly love someone, something, even you love a forest, a tree, any living being with all your heart, a joy fills you. It is not the joy of getting something, the joy of just being in love and that joy of love, that bliss is the currency of the human heart and that currency is what brings you to the state of ananda, to the state of bliss that comes with union of the little and the Great.
When you feel that wholeness of being surround you and you dissolve into the ocean of love then you are whole. There is a sense of completion, a sense of returning home and that return journey to your home of homes is the deep journey of human experience. It is the dharma of human life to know the Supreme, to know the Infinite.
This whole great cosmos is your home, your destiny. It all is a magical existence lying within you and when you go deep into your inner recesses and follow the chords of the human heart to deep resonances of cosmic love, all knowledge is there. All the whole universe lies within, all existing in the panorama of divine existence. As you forget your littleness and meld yourself with that great Beloved, the mountains and the sky, the stars in the heavens, the animals, the plants, the wild things all are a part of you. The eagle soaring in the mountains is part of your experience. You are melded with the cosmos for all lies within the cosmic consciousness. All lies within divine experience. The tender strings of the human heart play the chords of infinity out of which all creation abounds and flows. For those tender chords of the human heart are the chords of the eternal Self of all beings lying in the heart of all things.
The jewel in the heart of the lotus is in the core of your own heart. That is your true home and that is your destiny, to return home. It is the human dharma, Bhagavad dharma. Though you may have personal goals and ideals, things you must fulfill in your life, people you must meet, things you must do, they are individual coverings of the mind. Beneath lies this stream of cosmic existence in which you are one with all things and all things are one with you and the doorway to the abode of the Infinite that is most acceptable is the door of cosmic existence, the door of love divine. So never think you are alone. Never think you are helpless. Throw off all sorrows and difficulties and love deeply, love fully, love completely and find the light of the eternal Soul of all beings.