Namaskar. Every day is a new beginning, a new opportunity to be the person you want to be. Every day is a new opportunity to realize that you are part of one integrated, integral whole of being.
You are not separate, isolated, or alone but are contained within the field of cosmic existence. You are within the love of the infinite, and you abide in that cosmic field, a part of a whole. You are never alone; you are never helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you also. Each day is a new opportunity to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start afresh.
Each year of this Mother Earth is a part of a process of change. In this physical world, change is a given. Nothing remains static. Movement either moves towards the one eternal being, or it moves away into duality, separation, and suffering. This movement is always going on, and as a human being you are in a unique position of choice. As an individual, you can choose what direction you intend for your life, for your actions, for your thoughts, and collectively, as a part of society, you also choose.
Society once consisted of fiefdoms, tribes, clans, and extended families. Then, it grew from city-states to conglomerate states or nations. But now, the lives of all people on this planet, of all beings on this planet, are interwoven and interconnected. They are not separate.
You cannot say that the actions of people in one place have no impact on the lives of people in another place. So, war has taken on a dimension it never had previously. The secrets and the horrors are not far and distant. They are immediate, on the television screen, in the news, and on the internet. They come to you immediately. There is no separation between you and the pain of other people in another part of the globe.
You feel it. You read it. Your heart is broken in it. So, the people of this world feel and experience their global collectivity when they see people’s lives—that were as yours is, simple, honest, working, leading a decent life—destroyed. When they see this happen to groups of people, there is pain. You see yourself and how this could happen to you. And it is pain that it happens to another. Not only is this your pain, but this is felt all over the globe.
War is not isolated, something theoretical that’s happening far away. No, those days are gone. And that is why the world today will change. The horrors that go on now will be a thing of the past, where humanity unites to say, “No more.”
When the light gets bright, the shadow is illumined. And before the light reaches its zenith, the shadows are long. They grow shorter, but before they grow shorter, they are long. And the brighter the light, the more distinct the shadow, the more seen the shadow is.
So it is with human society; as the light grows brighter, the shadows of human nature, the shadows of human actions, are illumined. You see the horrors of war, the mistreatment by human beings of other human beings. You see the troubles that face the planet as the excesses of human behavior cause reactions in the environment; fires and storms, floods, and other reactions of nature destroy human society.
It isn’t hidden. It is there. You see it on the news. You are with it. Thus, the shadows become known. And the challenge comes collectively to humanity—what to do, what to do?
Each person feels, “I’m just an ordinary person. What can I do?” But collectively, you are strong. And you are not alone, for these visions that would have been hidden before, due to the interwoven technologies of today, are known to all. They can’t be hidden. And the degree of disruption is unacceptable to 99 percent of people. But what to do, what to do?
Know that your actions, your intentions, how you live your life, and any actions you take to support change make a difference. You may think, “I’m just a small person; what can it mean?” But you are not alone. There are millions and millions and millions moving with you.
The force of Mother Earth, the force of the infinite essence of being, flowing, moving all towards the cosmic nucleus, towards the core of being, exerts a pull on you and on all beings. And that pull brings you towards the whole. Though you may get lost from time to time, it brings you towards the whole. And not only you, but all the human beings, all the living beings.
The entire Mother Earth is moving in this way. This cosmic guidance is a part of this manifest universe. It is a part of what is today and will be in the future. A bright light is dawning in this world. There is a shift taking place. It has been taking place. It is in full process now, and that process will go forward.
It is a process of a transformation on this planet, a transformation to a higher, more connected state of being. There is an evolutionary shift going on. This change necessitates a falling away of what has been so that what will be will dominate.
In this process, there is destruction as well as creation. As the light gets bright, the shadow gets distinct. It is known to all; it is felt. But this light that is dawning cannot be suppressed, will not be suppressed. It will transform this world.
Transformation is a powerful process, both personal and collective. It requires a deconstruction of what has been to reconstruct on a new level. So you see around you the signs of deconstruction, the warnings. Because the shadow is no longer hidden, it is there for all to see in plain sight and for the collective psychic reaction. Know that you are not alone, that the forces of light and love bind humanity and will prevail. The light grows brighter, not dimmer, though you may see the darkness more. Do not be deceived. Do not give up hope. Look upon the bright side always.
You move closer to the one. Individually and collectively, this entire system is moving towards an enlightened state. So keep your heart bright, your love strong, your intention towards the light, towards the love that holds all beings together, towards the one.
Do what you can and know that the future of humanity is bright and may you all find blessings and the joy of spirit.