Living Love “Oh my heart! The Supreme Spirit, The great Master is near you: wake, oh wake! Run to the feet of your Beloved, For your Lord stands near to your head. You have slept for unnumbered ages; This morning will you not wake?” Songs of Kabir by Tagore
Chapter I, Living Love
There are moments when you feel you have gone past your day-to-day engagements, your struggles and your difficulties, your joys, your relationships. You have gone deep within for a moment and touched something profound. Perhaps you feel expansiveness, a connection with nature, with all beings, perhaps with the stars in the heavens, perhaps with a loved one. For a moment, you transcend your ordinary way of looking at the world, the ordinary boundaries by which you define yourself and confine yourself and you become for a moment, free, unbound, alive, connected to your Soul, to your essence.
Each and every moment is an opportunity to know your innermost Self Your heart goes out in connection to all the living beings in the world, all the people, all the plants, all the animals and even the sunset, the mountains, the ocean. Have you ever felt yourself soar on the wings of an eagle, dive into the sea, rise with the sun, expand with the vastness of the universe? Have you ever contemplated all the planets and the multitude of living beings in the stars above? If so, you begin to realize how small is a human life, how fleeting and yet how precious each and every moment because each and every moment is an opportunity to know the Infinite, to connect to the source of being.
Each and every moment is an opportunity to expand your consciousness beyond the limits of your five senses and your physical body, to expand and become something more, something great, something amazing. Each and every moment is an opportunity to know your innermost Self and through knowing that divine Self, you come to know the vastness of this whole creation. For all truly lies within, in the depths of your Soul. In the deep inner recesses of your being lies the unstruck music from which stars are born, planets come to exist and endless living beings move, are being born, live a time and fade from this world. Countless beings are coming and going, all abiding in the chords of eternity and known in the depths of your own being.
There, the difference between I and thou dissolves. There, where light and sound are one, your experience is flooded with a shower of light. There, love abides, undefined, unconfined. There love is an unconditional light, truth, being and the chord is a sound from which all creation unfolds. There, past, present and future meld together as one. There, all knowledge abides and the heart is fulfilled. There, lover and beloved become one and the weary traveler finds his or her home at last. In the sunrise, in the sunset, in the sound of the robin flitting from limb to limb, in the mountain, in the sea, in the moment between then and now is the doorway to this uncharted land, the land of your Soul.
So take heart, find your boat and sail the uncharted waters in the depths of your being to find the untouched shore of eternity and the unfettered essence of your own Self. The sages of the past have given us a map, have charted the deep waters and found a way to access the vast love within each of us. Meditation is a practice that allows you to quiet the restless mind so that you may listen within and traverse to the shores of the inner sea.
The truth of meditation is always with you because it is your soul of souls; it is your very own Self; it is the love that has no beginning and no end, of which all relations of this world are but mirror reflections rising again and again always to remind you of the nature of your Soul. Take the time to journey within to those pristine halls where the unstruck music plays eternally. And remember for success, as in all journeys a way needs charting.
The sages of the past have given us a map, have charted the deep waters and found a way to access the vast love within each of us. In the ancient practices of Yama and Niyama, they have illumined a way to live in love in this very world. Understanding of the journey to living love in every moment of your life unfolds through these practices as you learn how to live with harmony and reverence for all life. With these practices you learn how to live without doing harm to others, to stand in truth, to see the Infinite all around and to be in peace and contentment. You discover how to love selflessly and surrender on the infinite shores of your soul’s abode. These yogic practices work with the body and the mind to foster a ground for transformation of consciousness.
Dwelling in Infinite Love Yama and Niyama practices are for the purpose of purifying the worldly vessel so that which is infinite, pure and untarnished may be perceived. They are like the cloth that is used to shine the mirror, taking off the dust and dirt so that the clear reflection of reality may be perceived.
Then, when the god of death (from the Rig Veda) Yama, comes to pay his call upon you, you may say to him, "Lord Yama, you are very powerful indeed but I have not wasted this life. I have purified my mind and body so that the perception of the Infinite has come to me. You will have to seek another, for though this body may pass from existence, I am beyond your reach. I dwell with the Divine in infinite love. You will have to go elsewhere, for I am not bound by the comings and goings of this finite world." The Lord Yama may not take what is not his, what has already been freed from the bondages of this world.
So if you want to know the Infinite and to go beyond the reach of death, follow the codes of spiritual life laid down long ago by those who have understood the workings of the mind and who have walked the journey before you. Follow these practices and rest your mind upon the Infinite. Then the peace and love inherent in all existence will be yours eternally.
Never think it is too difficult. It is your birthright, oh human being, to know Divinity. Walk forward without fear. Surely the grace of the Infinite will fall upon you and the strength you require will be given to you. So go forward with all your heart, following the codes of Yama and Niyama, keeping your mind ever fixed upon the Supreme, and that which you love will surely become your own.