MA: I have been giving the Baba Talks for over 25 years now and, needless to say, that is quite a few years. One thing that has stood out during this time is that when the talks occur the presence of Baba is drawn towards the earth plane by the love and devotion to the Divine of the people present. How deeply that presence manifests in this body seems to have very little to do with me and much more to do with everyone present.
There are times when it has felt as if it is just words, teachings, flowing into me and being spoken. There have been other times when the Guru's presence is so strong that I am lost and everyone in the room is in tears.
Then there is everything in between. I never know how it will be. I do know that Baba speaks to the hearts of the people present. Very frequently people come up to me after a talk and tell me that they are amazed that the talk was on exactly what they were contemplating or struggling with. It happens. I don't know how. I do know it is a grace given to everyone present.
There two variables that can impact a talk. The first is if this body is overtired. The second is if the minds of the people in the room have not settled and are too rajasic, agitated or engaged in mundane issues. Thus it becomes important to have some devotional singing, kirtan or meditation before a Baba Talk.
Some amazing experiences have happened for some individuals when talking to Baba, both in the Baba talks and in personal sessions. These are deep and do not come from my mind or from theirs. There really is Divine presence and grace. I can only marvel when I hear such stories.
My personal experience of Baba and this grace, is one of the Divine Beloved. Sometimes removed from me behind the veil, but always there. Others times so present this small self is overcome, melted into him. Then all is the Beloved.
Oh my Beloved Where is the boundary between I and thou? Where do I end and you begin?
Oh my Beloved The night is long. Will you not stay with me, That I might know the comfort of your presence.
Oh my Beloved Play your flute, ignite the magic of your grace. That the distance between us melts away, Never to return.