Maetreyii Ma offers a systematic approach for bringing balance into your life through practices based on the traditions of Tantra and Ashtanga Yoga. These ancient teachings offer deep wisdom and practices to heal body, mind and spirit and allow you to live in the world while at the same time deepening in truth, love and wisdom. They are classical teachings for Awakening.
Tantra is an ancient science of transmutation whereby that which is crude is transformed into that which is subtle. The path of Tantra does not reject the world but works to fundamentally change our relationship to the world. The practices help us to transform our perceptual field, replacing conditioned thinking with awareness of the fundamental unified nature of all that is.
Tantra utilizes the approaches and practices of Bhakti yoga, or devotional love for the Divine, Karma yoga, or service to all beings, and Jnana yoga, or right understanding, to bring the heart and mind into a deep realization of the eternal nature of the one cosmic Self. It incorporates esoteric science and knowledge of kundalini, chakras, and subtle energy to raise the sleeping Divinity within. Through practice one comes to see this world and all life as one blissful, eternal existence. One comes to know the unchanging essence of all that appears to change, the deep essence of one’s existence, the omnipresent love, truth, and consciousness.
Ashtanga yoga literally means the eightfold path and gives eight limbs of practice that, when combined with the understanding of Tantra, provides a powerful and comprehensive system of practices for spiritual transformation. The eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga include the external practices of Yana and Niyama for right action in the world and purifying the mind; Asana or yoga postures for purifying the body; Pranayama for calming the mind and Strengthening the breath; and the internal meditative practices of Pratyhara, for withdrawing from attachments in order to concentrate the mind; Dharana for developing concentration; Dhyana for meditation flow; and Samadhi for unification and realization.
Tantra and AshtangaYoga, give support to the development of one’s body, mind and spirit so that deep realization of the Eternal Self can be a reality in one’s life.
The core of the practice is meditation. But for that meditation to be really effective and the realizations attained to seep into the cells of one’s body and one’s daily life, support practices are needed. Asana or yoga postures, Pranayama breath practices, Yama and Niyama, practices for living in the world, and all the limbs of Ashtanaga Yoga form a solid system for Self Realization. This is the foundation of the Sahaja system of practices taught by Maetreyii Ma.
In Tantra, Bhakti practices such as doing kirtan and devotional singing; Karma yoga practices such as seva or service and right action; and Jnani Yoga practices, such as reading ancient wisdom teachings and contemplation on the nature of Self, all work as an integrated whole to help us transform this life which may appear mundane into life Divine.
Working with the subtle energy of kundalinishakti, purifying the chakras and subtle energy channels, strengthening the different subtle layers of mind or koshas and harmonizing the breath to calm the mind are all part of the Tantric practices of Sahaja yoga that Maetreyii Ma teaches.