Mother Mary is a very interesting topic. I shall speak at some length about it. There are in the world different archetypes or manifestations in subtle planes of divine forces and the Holy Mother is the embodiment of the divine feminine aspect. Now this feminine aspect has many different aspects in it. It has the Holy Mother, the divine Shakti or energy, the lover, the abundant giver of wealth and well-being to all, the goddess of war. There are many different types of goddesses throughout the ages human beings have given credence to the goddess in many aspects but the most pervasive, the most extensive, the most important to all human beings in the Divine Mother.
She is the embodiment of the Source of all existence. She IS the source of all creation and the one who nurtures all living beings, cares for them, loves them, gives them unconditional love and care. She is the mother of all beings. The Divine Mother has taken embodiment throughout the ages in different aspects in different societies and those who have ideated very strongly on her may feel her Baba, her expression flow through them for she is very strong. Her presence is very strong in the human psyche and so her access to the earth plane is exceptionally strong.
These embodiment's of what Jung called archetypes but have been called gods and goddesses through the ages, they exist in a subtle stratum from the pure consciousness of Parama Purusha in the yogamaya, the aspects of Purusha that draws the livings being back into his unconditional nature. There are embodiment's of the sadguru, embodiment's of the truth. There are aspects of that divinity and Taraka Brahma is an aspect of that divinity, that Parama Purusha, that infinite consciousness manifest in the world of form. He is the embodiment of the Divine Father, the Source of all being.
The Divine Mother embodies the one who gives birth to the world, who creates, who gives birth to each and every living being in the world and looks over them, nurtures them, fosters them, cares for them, loves them. So these are aspects, great aspects that are living, vital forces. One could say beings but that is not exactly correct. They are not created beings like human beings. They are more aspects of Parama Purusha’s yoga maya, Parama Purusha’s manifest expression in form. Historically or at least in the Bible, there is the story of Mother Mary and how she gave the immaculate birth of Lord Jesus, who was considered to be the Son of God. You must remember that the people to whom this teaching was given, to whom this great prophet was speaking were illiterate. So they understood the depths of the stories. They understood the symbols because within the human psyche there is a symbolic language, a language that transcends words, transcends educational knowledge of the intellect. This language of symbols is understood by all. So when it is said that Christ is the Son of God, what is the meaning? What is the symbolism that strikes deep in the human psyche? He is the very embodiment of Parama Purusha, of his grace in the world. So he is his son, his embodiment, his extension, his expression.
And how does that express in the world? Does that expression come in ordinary way by a normal birth? The symbolism of immaculate conception is very significant meaning that the divine cosmic being is the father that the visitation of that divine force towards this woman such was her elevation of mind and body, that the visitation of divine force produced the embodiment in the world of that divine being. Such is the symbolism of immaculate conception -- meaning the divine Purusha and the Prakrti came together and in their union they produced their own divine embodiment in the world.
So with whom does this merger of Purusha and Prakrti occur – it can only occur between the archetypal forces of the divine masculine and the divine feminine, is it not? For God the Father and the Divine Mother are the parental forces of the Christ. What is Christ? Is Christ a human being? No. Christ is the divine light, the divine force, the illumined path, the pure light of the Soul of the world, of the divinity of which there are the three forces: The Divine Father, the Divine Mother, and the Holy Spirit. What is this Holy Spirit? The omnipresent divinity which abides in all beings and all things. (inaudible).
So there is the Divine Father. There is the embodiment of that divinity and there is the omnipresent spiritual force which exists in all beings but the force that brings all to existence is the Divine Mother and the Mother Mary was indeed a great incarnation. She indeed had such devotion that she transcended human form and became the embodiment of the Holy Mother, the mother of all beings and such was her force in the world that she was capable of bringing forward divinity into the world. So the divine aspect, the embodiment of Parama Purusha is made possible by the power of the Divine Mother.
So when human beings want to find the nurturance of the mother, the soft love, the unconditional love, the loving kindness of the divine feminine, they turn to the Mother and her strongest archetype on the planet of Earth is the Mother Mary. Her strongest image is that of the Mother Mary. She embodies the grace and compassion of the infinite divinity. She is the very embodiment of compassion. Though in other cultures, in other societies, there are different images for her, the strongest image upon the planet, the most ideated upon, the one with the closest association to the earth plane is the Mother Mary.
Such was her force in the embodiment she gave that it has spread through the centuries and through the millennia, through millions upon millions of people and remains as strong today as ever in the past. She has many forms and though women who have become merged in her she manifests through she appears to young children and helps them. She appears to those with great devotion to her. She embodies in those who meld their minds in her. She is known in different cultures, different societies by different names but the Mother is one. There is not two of these great personalities, of these great forces in the world.