Namaskar. This is a new year, a new beginning, a new opportunity, not only personally but collectively, to change the way that human beings relate to their planet. People are in fear of the changes they see. When hurricanes strike, floods, when fires burn, people feel fear. When they hear of disasters around the world and they hear of wars and political turmoil, they feel fear. And false leaders arise who will fan their fears and their angers, directing their fear toward others.
But this chaos will be coming to an end—not only in the United States but in other places as well. And people will begin to take seriously the need to prepare for pandemics, for floods and fires, for hurricanes and sudden weather changes, heat waves, cold waves. People will begin to see that it is necessary to prepare for these things. And they cannot be simply ignored, hoping they will go away on their own.
The recognition that the climate has changed will now be acknowledged throughout the world, and people will for the first time begin to address these difficult issues and find solutions that they will implement. I have said before that much of humanity’s efforts will not only be to reduce those variables creating climate change, creating too much carbon, but to also actively work to reverse the damage that has been done.
In this way, purifying the waters and the air, cleaning up the mess that has been made, I have also said that technology is our friend. Though industrialism and technological development have led to many difficulties in human society, they’ve also led to freeing people in many ways and connecting people.
The technology of today is crude, but if you look at the technology of 20 years ago, the dramatic change you see tells you the rate of movement, and that rate is geometrical; it is increasing in speed. So 20 years from now, technology will not be what it is today, and all of the inherent polluting factors and EMFs and difficulties that technology brings to the world will be resolved. The technology will become more subtle, more refined, more natural, as human beings enhance their ability to work with the laws of nature and within those laws.
Right now human beings are not sufficiently matured to understand the laws of nature and to work within their guidelines. But that will change and the capacity of human beings will change. A time will come when people live in great harmony with this world and the world blossoms fully: green and beautiful, pure and pristine air and waters. This planet will not be destroyed.
And human beings, as a species, are the peak of evolution of the planet. They will also not be destroyed. But they will evolve. And that evolution is not merely physiological; but that evolution is social and technological at this stage.
Understanding the minds of people will grow in magnitude, and the interwoven interconnectedness of people will develop more and more, so that there is no separation between people. You will not think, “Oh, that person lives in China, and another person lives in Finland, and therefore they are very different and how can they communicate—they are so far away.” Today you see through the computers; you can communicate clearly. But that technology will grow in magnitude and subtlety until the links between people are very strong and this world is one world. The changes to come in the next 20 years will be vast. So never fear the future. The future is bright. And the raw crudity of human efforts will change into subtlety and harmony with all of life. Right now people, human beings, are out of harmony with life on this planet, with the natural laws of the planet. That lack of harmony is causing the disruptions that are seen today. Not only the disruptions in the climate, but the psychic disruptions in human society.
More people suffer anxieties and depressions and mental pain than in the past. Why? Because the society is out of harmony with the natural laws, out of harmony with the natural state of being of human beings, and out of harmony with the spiritual essence of life. And that disconnect from the spiritual essence, the disconnect from love, the isolation of people, has caused great suffering and pain in modern society. That will change; that will change.
The emotional needs of human beings need to be addressed and met. Human beings require love; they require connection. Each person wants to be loved, wants to be appreciated, wants to be known for who they are, wants to be able to express positively in the world and be acknowledged.
The needs of human beings need to be addressed fully, and will be addressed as the sensitivity and spiritual connection of human society grows. Humanity is one and indivisible, and I would say that it not only includes people but all living beings on this planet. Life is one and indivisible. All the beings love their life. They want to find happiness; they want to find the bright shining future, the spiritual love which deep in their soul they remember, be they human beings, cats, dogs, horses, fish, birds—they all want this deep inside. And they respond to love. The plants in the garden respond to love. The trees respond to connectedness, to harmony, to love. The whole world responds to love.
All life responds to love. Because love is the essence, the spiritual essence of everyone and everything. There is a wholeness, a connectedness that is deep in the psyche of all life, not only human beings but all beings. And when that is addressed, those beings become truly whole.
So the work on this planet is to bring love into being, and that means, on the physical realm, to also live in harmony with the laws of Mother Nature and the inspiration of the deep abiding love of the supreme, which guides all life. This is the destiny of humanity, and that destiny will be achieved. The days of war and famine will pass. This transition is not over. Now human beings are honestly addressing—they will soon honestly address—and that honesty and authenticity in addressing what is happening on the planet and to human society will grow in magnitude. But what will cause that growth? It will be necessity. Necessity causes change.
Do not fear turbulence, for the spiritual light of the infinite shines brighter and brighter and will continue to grow in brightness. There are those that say astrologically this is a new age. This year is not only a new beginning of a new year; it is a beginning of a new age in the world—an age in which the light of the infinite grows brighter and brighter, until in the full bloom of this age, that spiritual light will shine very bright.
Human beings will live in harmony with the earth. The earth will be vibrant and pure, green and abundant; the waters pure, pristine; the fish abundant; the life abundant upon the planet; the air clean, fresh, always. There will be no pollution at all. And human beings will live very long lives compared to today.
But before that occurs, many changes will take place to bring human beings into alignment and into harmony with all of life, to undo the damage that has been done and to bring great peace and well-being and the love of the infinite to this planet.
Are there any questions?
Questioner 1:Namaste, Baba. Baba, you mentioned about the pollution caused by EMF and such, currently. Is that a radiation that we should be very concerned about, at the moment at least? It is only one form of the disturbances that the crude technologies of today create upon the planet. But that is soon to be resolved. So don’t worry for such things. The creative innovation, the transformation of technology will resolve such issues. In the meantime, simply be protective of yourself, take breaks and make certain that you are not over-exposing. All right?
Questioner 1: And the same thing applies to all the wireless radiation and so on, right Baba? It varies in degree to damage of cellular tissues. All right?
Questioner 2: I have a question about the suffering of people that causes them to learn to hate the political system, as we’ve seen, and revolt in violent ways. And I seek to find empathy with the hearts and minds of those people, their suffering and their anger. But maybe you could help us to understand what is going on in the minds of these people. Are they simply bad people—what is it?
No, no, no; they are not bad people. The people who put dictators who have harmed humanity greatly, such as Hitler, were not bad people. But they follow false idols, false gods. I have spoken at length about the human psychology which makes people look to leaders—strong leaders—for their safety and well-being, and to follow those leaders, to follow their words, to put them up above and to follow their dictates. This has been a survival instinct of humanity. Human beings live in groups and the groups follow leaders.
The problem arises when false gods, false leaders are put in place, whose teachings are lies to the people, based on desires for power, greed, manipulation. The people believe their leaders. And those charismatic dominant leaders who rise to power in personal greed and love of the taste of power, and who will keep that power at all costs, can influence the hearts and minds of innocent people.
Those people are not to blame. They have been influenced by leaders who have brought them to believe false realities, destructive realities, things that will harm humanity. It is the natural way of people to follow leaders; they are not to blame for doing this. Their own survival instincts tell them: “Find a strong leader and follow.”
So, any blame that is there, any recrimination, should be for those leaders, not for those followers. It is the simple way of human beings to follow leaders. It is the leaders who set the tone, the pace, and the beliefs.
And then, social media is a unique phenomenon that will develop far beyond what it is now. But in what it is now in this crude state, it can be used by such leaders to create false narratives, and many people become influenced by that. They think that is the reality.
They don’t know who to trust. Do they trust the news on the central stations? Do they trust the government? Or do they think the government and the news are all creating falsehoods, and they should trust only those chosen leaders who are giving them the right, secret answers to reality and what to believe? I think you know this pattern.
Questioner 2: Yes; would you like to say something about the source of the driving fears in people’s minds that drive them in these directions?
Survival. It is all about survival. It may not be in their minds that they think that. But in their psychology, in their actions, in their subconscious mind is the primal desire to survive. People love their life. They want to live; they don’t want to die. They want their children to live, their family to live. They want the best that they can achieve.
When they find their health needs are not met, they have not the resources they need in their lives for themselves and their children, they want to blame someone, also. They want to find somebody whose fault it is. They want to try to understand why this has happened to them. So they want to find someone to blame and they want to find a leader who will rescue them, who will take them out of this poverty, out of difficulty, out of fear.
And in today’s world it is not simply poverty that is driving these survival fears; it is climate change; it is the fundamental realization that so much change is happening on the planet that it frightens people. People who have, for centuries, been living in one place with one language, their family, their grandfathers, their great-grandfathers, their great-great-grandfathers lived there—then people of different races and different nationalities come and begin to take over the land and so on.
They feel threatened. The integration of humanity threatens them. So they fear the migration of people. They fear strangers coming to their land. They fear people of different races, people of different nationalities taking what they have. They fear the climate change. They fear fires. They fear destruction that they know is there. And they want someone to protect them at this stage.
The world is growing interwoven and it is changing. That change is too much for many people and so they have wanted to cling to the past: “I want it to be the way it was for my grandfather and my great-great-great-grandfather.” But it will never be that. It is changing.
So people have sought to shrink from the change and grab for the past. And those leaders who will appeal to that desire have dominated. But now, now is the time of change. When people begin to realize that their welfare is better served by addressing the changing world and looking to make a better future than trying to pretend they can make it all go away and have it like it was—it will never be as it was.
Does that answer your question? Questioner 2: Yes. I wonder about the contribution of social changes such as gay marriage, things like this, that make people perhaps also feel less secure.
All of those things which go against the way it was for them, for their families, for their parents, for their grandparents, changes in the social structure, what is acceptable and unacceptable, changes in migration, integration of different races and nationalities. This causes the reaction.
You can see in it England, where they feel quite overrun by so many different people from so many different countries that now, what is an Englishman? In their tradition of white lords and ladies of many years past… It’s changing.
America is changing. The entire world is changing. And that’s been hard for people. They’ve clung to the past. They’ve tried to find ideologies and leaders that will secure them. And all manner of social changes, from the acceptance of different types of orientations, all of this, all of this… But underneath it is the fundamental fear of change that that threatens well-being and stability. And that is why so much of the resistance has been so successful, but so devastating, because the problems that exist are not going away by pretending they do not exist.
Humanity must awaken and address what is happening here and now. And align with the planet that is their home and all the living beings of this earth. And this will happen. And it begins this year. The change will happen. All right. Namaskar.