This life is very short. Compared to the life of the cosmos, the life of a human being is a speck in the sands of time. Yet your life is an opportunity. An opportunity that rises with time and is gone. It's an opportunity to learn to truly love. It's an opportunity to discover your own inner self. It's a journey towards wholeness. This life is a very great boon. The yogis say that living beings will seek a human life for many incarnations before having the opportunity. And when, in addition you have the opportunity to learn spiritual practices, to learn how to seek the Divine within you, then that life, this life, becomes a great adventure, a great moment in which you have the opportunity to realize your inherent nature.
No man is an island; no woman either. All are interwoven and interconnected - a part of one integral whole, a part of a unitary essence, a unitary beingness. Only because of your identity with your body and mind you believe that you are something apart, separate from all else. That illusory belief that you are an individual separate from all else - that is the ego, the essential I-feeling.
The person that you are is not limited by that identity with ego. Your conscious intelligent awareness has become merged in that I-feeling, in that sense of ego self. But, if you can take a moment to step back, step away from that, you realize there is something much vaster, much more inclusive than this sense of ego self. That you are vaster. Your awareness, your beingness is able to encompass, to let go into a Divine love which is unconditional. A grace which never ends. You have the ability to let go of all of the identities and beliefs you have assumed, all of the ideas about who you are, what you are. You have the ability to just let it go. Let it go and sink back into the soft rain of unconditional love which is the infinite Self of all beings.
There is in the human heart a longing for fulfillment. A longing for love so deep, so complete, that you are complete, you are whole. The fulfillment of that is the great journey of human life. The ideas and the beliefs in the mind of what that might look like vary. Perhaps at some point it is a material desire. Than it is a social desire. Than it is a love relationship. There are so many different images that come in the mind. When all the images fade away there is an essential hunger, an essential need to be whole, a need to be unified, to feel that you are complete, whole. That need is a need to return from once you have come, from the love which is your Source, from the truth which is your essence.
The great adventure of human life, the precious opportunity of your life, is the opportunity to let go of your ideas, beliefs - all the things that have defined you, confined you, and restrained you. Let them go and allow yourself to feel, to love, to surrender into love, into truth, until you and your Divine Source are united and that sliver of duality which has caused the pain in your heart, is dissolved.
There are so many methods of meditation and spiritual practice to do this but in the heart, in the essence of all these methodologies, is the essential relationship that you have to that Divine Self of your own being. And whatever practice you use, whatever methodology you ascribe to, whatever beliefs you hold, beneath that is the ability to let it all go and follow your heart to the deepest core of your own Self - into the arms of love unconditional, into the truth that is so profound it cannot be spoken in words. There the unstuck music plays. There, lovers and Beloved are one. There, the fulfillment of your heart abides. There, you are truly whole, complete.
This moment, this life you have, is the opportunity to know this love of your heart - to heal the wound of duality, of separation, to let go and melt back into your eternal Source. Let that One, that all-compassionate infinite love, brighter than a thousand suns, fill you. Surrender. Let go into that brilliant light, into that love from which you have come, until you stand on the farther shore where the seas of eternity have melted the walls of duality and you are whole. A wholeness that has always existed. Only in the dream of your life you have forgotten who you are. You have forgotten your Beloved in the dream of all of the things that fill your mind and your senses. But this life is a great opportunity to remember.