Baba's 2020 Vanii Let all beings be happy. Let all beings enjoy this world and live in harmony. Let the light of the infinite shine bright and be the polestar of a new dawn for humanity and all who reside upon this earth.
Throughout history, people have gathered together into clans, tribes, and societies which created a collective psychology. When that collective psychology is in harmony with the laws of nature, with dharma or the essence of life, then the society of people prospers. When that alignment with dharma diminishes and the collective psychology and actions of the people move out of alignment with the laws of nature, with the flow from source into the universe, then pain and suffering ensue in the lives of those in that community or society.
Through struggle and then cohesion, people’s collective identity has grown from small tribes and clans to the great societies of today, the nation-states. And now it moves from the nation-states to the global planetary sphere. Today is a day of change. This coming year, this coming decade will see great shifts and changes in the world. For the society of human beings is not in harmony with the planetary laws and the forces of nature, and this brings difficulty.
The time for passivity is over. The time for the forces of light to rise in this world and be seen is at hand. The time to take charge and bring the human society through this transitional period, back into balance with the larger forces of the planet is now. It is time to be in harmony with the living beings that are not human, with the trees, with the animals, with the mountains and the seas, and the sky and the stars, to be in harmony with the flow and movement of the universal laws and the living beings who live in this world. This movement towards harmony is the movement of society today. The light of the new dawn is on the horizon. It is no longer is a shadow in the darkness but a brightness that casts great shadows. As that sun of the new dawn rises and the light increases, the shadows will steadily decrease.
A time of struggle is upon us, a time when the conditioning of people to live for personal gain of themselves and their small groups is at an end.This is a time when the welfare of all living beings must become foremost in the minds of all people. There are forces in the world today that are bringing this awareness to the surface. The change is occurring. It cannot be stopped. It will occur, it is a sure guarantee. There is a transition occurring, from a focus on the small nation-states to awareness of the collective society of the planet earth, including all living beings and the planet itself. Without this awareness, human beings cannot survive at this time. You will see the rise of this light. In this coming year, in the coming decade, you will see the people rise up. You will see change, great change.
Life, as it was, is already gone. Life, as it will be, is a better world. Already the winds of change sweep through the planet, already the storm brews, fires burn. The planet is changing. With this change, there is a shift in consciousness. No longer can human beings ignore their brothers and sisters, no longer can they ignore the planet itself, no longer can they live for their personal greed. Those who stick to those ways at the destruction of the planet, at the destruction of others, at the destruction of different species of living beings, they will soon find themselves isolated and they will soon find their ways no longer working.
For the winds of change have come. They sweep the planet and they cannot be stopped. Sometimes they are destructive, but they are also constructive. With them rides dharma. With them rides the tide of truth. With them rides the interconnected love that holds living beings together and is the very basis of the planet. This planet is sifting, is changing. You are a part of this planet. All beings who live here are a part of this planet. So, the change is one that involves everyone, regardless of where you live, regardless of if you are human or nonhuman. It involves the whole planet. It is a rumble, a shift to awaken consciousness, to awaken light, truth, to bring dharma to the world.
How many will sit by idly? The numbers will grow few, for it is a time for action, It is a time to stand up for your truth, for the love you share for all living beings. Some of you may think “Oh I am in my elder years. It is for young people.” Yes, young people will rise up. It is a certainty. They see the future clearly. But it is for everyone to act. No one is too old, too sick, too tired. The ways of change are here and cannot be ignored. But this change is a new dawn, an awakening in which truth, dharma, and love grow.
So, do not be afraid. Do not be downcast about the future, regardless of the ominous predictions you may hear. The future is bright! And it is in your hands, all of you, collectively. Do not be afraid for your children, for their future will be bright indeed. But it will not be as the past was. The youth of today will rise on the tide of dharma, out of the superficial leanings of materialism, into the path of the warrior for truth.
Let all beings be happy. Let all beings enjoy this world and live in harmony. Let the light of the infinite shine bright and be the polestar of a new dawn for humanity and all who reside upon this earth.