Sometimes you may ask yourself, why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Why am I doing all the things I do each day? Human life is very short. You are a babe, a child, a youth, then you've grown to adulthood, and then adulthood passes and you move to your elder years, and then finally the body dissolves. What is this life? Why do you lead it? The yogis say human life is very rare, very precious. For what have you come to this world? What is the deep destiny of your life? The deep calling, the purpose of being here?
Human beings have their unique expression - each person in the world. Your unique evolution has brought you a unique way of being, something to offer to the world. But that alone is not the purpose of your life. Your life is an opportunity. An opportunity to grow in depth and magnitude and to realize the nature of your existence. In this created world, living beings are caught in a cycle of life and death, grasping and fearing. In the duality of creation, many people feel pain and suffering, but without that pain where is joy? Both are part and parcel of human life. Accomplishment, achievement, joy, pain, loss, sorrow, physical health, physical suffering, mental health, mental suffering - they are part and parcel of the spectrum of creation.
In this stratum of dualism of mundane life, true happiness cannot be achieved because for every great joy of achievement there is a loss and a suffering. The yogis say that to take the unreal to be real, to take pain to be pleasure, this is a great illusion, the great mistake, the great misunderstanding. In Christianity it is called sin - the primal sin. To assume that by grasping you can achieve something that will forever make you happy and that by running away from or suppressing that which is unwanted you will be able to achieve the joy. No, no, no. In the world of duality both are complementary of each other. This is the spectrum of human existence. And this is the spectrum of human suffering.
Those ancient sages and sages of the past, those living beings from the earliest times of human existence who gave themselves over to seeking deeper truths and bringing those truths from within their source out into the world, have realized there is a deeper happiness. There is a deeper stratum, a deeper purpose to human life that is not governed by this dualistic worldly approach. There is a stratum that exists underneath the chaotic rise and fall of the waves of the sea of existence. There is a calm stratum, deep waters where you are not subject to duality, where you abide and exist in a love, in truth, in being that is unitary, whole. It is not your ego self, your individual self, but the Self of yourself. This is the sadguru - the true guru of your life - the deep Source of all existence, the unitary whole which encompasses the opposites.
The yin and yang form a whole - a circle in which the opposites are complete, in which there is wholeness. Beneath the chaos of duality lies this unitary existence. And human life is an opportunity. An opportunity to come to know this Divinity. To know it deeply, not with your mind and your intellect and your ideas, but to know it with your soul, with your being, with all of you.
There are many paths, many doors, but there are some fundamental truths that are beyond the path, the beliefs, the doorways you choose. One is that this infinite existence, this divine love, this absolute truth, this essence of being cannot be touched, cannot be acquired by grasping. As much as you try to grab hold of it, it slides through your fingers. Then you think there is no God, that this essence of being is illusion. I can’t see it. I can't feel it. I can't eat it. I can't touch it. Therefore it slides through my fingers when I try to acquire it. Therefore it doesn't exist. So the ignorant mind says caught in the material existence in the dualities of life.
But when, due to either hardship or some profound experience, be it an intimate experience with someone, an experience in nature, or in deep meditation, you find that your mind and your feelings, your essence goes beyond dualities, moves outside of the spectrum of dark and light, pain and joy. And when that happens you sink into something so primordial, so natural. It is your home from whence you have come. You sink into the ocean of infinity, the aware intelligent consciousness, the love that has no second, the bright light of which nothing else can compare.
You discover this not by grasping, not through ideas and intellect. You can't acquire it, but it comes to you naturally, sweetly. It is in reality something that you let go into, like a shower of grace. It is a shower that is always there. A beingness, a consciousness, a love, that is always there in everything, everywhere, in every atom of existence.
In every form you see and believe to be in duality is, in its essence, a part of the unitary whole, the unitary reality that permeates the manifest and the unmanifest universe that permeates creation. This is your soul, your essence, your atman. And it is one with the Paramatman, the infinity of being - the love which has no end. The Beloved of your heart is in the essence of being.
Human life is an opportunity. An opportunity to discover your true nature, to move out of ignorance into truth, to move out of separation and pain into love unconditional. It is an opportunity to discover the Beloved and to melt into that Beloved. When you truly let go, let go, to take down the umbrella of ego of your self importance, of your ability to acquire things and to achieve things and to do things - let the ego down and instead let go, surrender. That is the path to truth.
That is the path to the Beloved where I and Thou become one. Where the walls of duality and separation dissolve, and the true nature of what is, the true nature of your own Self is revealed in the deep waters of truth, in the deep waters of divine love, unconditional love. In the deep waters where you let go and surrender into the Beloved and the light of infinite being permeates everything.
This love, this truth has no opposite. There is nothing outside of it. Some people may say, "God has let me down. Why are all these terrible things happening in my life? I don't believe in God anymore. He's not helping me out." But that infinite Source is not a man in heaven that's going to shield you from the lessons of life so that you can live in ignorance. No. That one is your closest friend, closer than close, the one who knows your essence, your being, and stands with you through thick and thin.
But that shower of love which is always there has to be noticed - an openness, a willingness to sink back and let go to allow love to be, to allow the shower of grace to permeate you. Even in your darkest hour this is the truth of your life. And when you let go, when you surrender, that one is there, always there with you in thick and thin, sharing your joy, sharing your pain. And the more you commune with that infinite Source the more the pain and pleasure becomes a balanced experience, neither one to be sought or to rejected because they are the balance of life in the world of duality, in the world of form.
So when you sink into the wholeness of love, when you sink into the ocean of being, into the halls of truth, then when you walk in the world you see the forms, you feel the joy, you feel the pain. But the joy, the pain, the forms are a covering upon a substantive existence - a dream in a great mind - a play within the love of the Infinite. For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the Beloved's voice is everywhere. The Beloved's form is in all forms, and with eyes closed in deep meditation or with eyes open in the world, it is the same.
Love is your nature - aware, intelligent, unconditioned infinite love, truth, being. The discovery of this is the great opportunity and the deep purpose of your existence. Your ability is to find your way home to your Source, where there is no duality, only the One. So begin your life afresh this very moment. Find your destiny. Find your eternal Source. Alright? Namaskar.