This is a very serious topic you have brought to light today. The world situation is in great flux. Now it it is in a temporary hold, but it is a hold that will not last.
I have spoken previously about Great Britain and said that, as in all places where indigenous people reside, the Brits do not want to feel as if their ancestry, their culture, their life is overridden by others. Just as the Tibetans did not want the Chinese to override their society and displace them from their homes, just as the American Indians did not want the whites to override their tribal lands and take their wealth from them, so people today do not want loose their lands and cultural wealth. The Indians had their own form of wealth before the settlers and the Tibetans had their own form of wealth before the Chinese. Their wealth was stripped from them and their country and lands taken.
What happened in the United States in America some 200-300 years ago is not unlike the situation today. It is different, but there are parallels. For the people who resided in the Americas were happy with their lives. They had their tribes, they had their ways; they had their own wealth. Then came the migration of foreign people with entirely different ways, different gods, different ways of worship, different values, who invaded their lands and took what they needed. They made their own place in those new lands and as their culture and population grew, there was little room for the indigenous people that were there before the settlers. And so the indigenous people were routed out, pushed away from their native lands to reservations.
When a culture and people with one way of life, from one area of the world, migrate to another area of the world and displace the indigenous people of that area, naturally tension arises. It may not matter whether that displacement involves a war to acquire the lands or simply a large migration of people that is permitted. Weather the tribes in the Americas welcomed the settlers or the tribes fought the settlers, they ended up the same in the end, did they not? Both were overrun eventually and displaced, their societies and wealth of land taken.
Even among the tribes that, at first, welcomed the settlers into the America’s, when they saw what the settlers had brought, they began to start to defend themselves. They realized that they would be overrun by these migrating people but they could not defend themselves, and they could not stop the migration. The Indians started wars to defend themselves but they were too weak.
The migration from Europe was driven by religious persecution, turmoil, plagues and so on. There were people who wanted desperately to leave Europe. So the people and the ships came, and they came, and they came. The indigenous people in the America’s could not stop those people driven from their homes by troubles in their own lands, who came to find new homes in the America’s to avoid the problems and difficulties in their homelands. Many of these were not the best from Europe, were they not? They were unwanted people, some prisoners. They came to the America’s, established their own colonies, their own cultures and pretty soon, even those tribes who had invited them in were in the way of their expansion. The tribes in America did not fare well in the end with this European migration pattern.
The tribes did not migrate in response; they were forced to different lands. They held as best they could and continue to hold as best they can to their culture, their pride, to the lands they have been given, which were the unwanted lands of the new people who came and took their lush lands. Do you think the Indians of the San Francisco Bay Area, where there was a great population, wanted to leave their lush comfortable lands with easy climate? Most of those tribes were completely destroyed. Some managed to be relocated but their lush land was taken by the migration of others.
The most recent of these displacing migrations was the take over by Chinese of Tibet. China needed to take this land. They took it in a war but it was not the war that was the downfall of Tibet. It was the migration of one people, one culture into the lands of another taking their lands. Many countries have had wars but yet they remain because they have not been the victims of migrations. It is the migration that destroys the people because culture is taken away and their lands are consumed. They lose their rights to their homeland. So similar situations have occurred in different migrations.
Today's Migration & Climate Change Now we see different circumstances in the world, causing again the dislocation of certain peoples and the migration of those people. First the numbers are smaller and then they get larger. This is the pattern in the migration of people when there is a driving force causing the migration. Poverty, the disrupted politics and the religious persecution of Europe caused the migration to the America’s, where people were promised land that they could not have in Europe. They were promised religious freedoms they could not have in Europe. They wanted to leave. They ventured across seas and risked hardships in which many died, for the promise of wealth and land; wealth meaning land, as that was the wealth of the day. If you could have land, you could have a farm and feed your family, you could have religious freedom. So they took the lands of others. There was a clash of culture.
Today the climate in the world is threatened and changing. Many parts of the world are becoming economically strained. The physical hardship of living in these areas is becoming too much because the lands are drying up in the heat. You will soon find shore lands disappearing, islands disappearing as well as increased dry lands and water shortages. In the face of the increasing climate shifts, which create strain on the environment and the people, you find a rise in political upheaval, tension, violence and general societal disruption. Along with this there is a increase in the gangs, the jihads and the groups of people with extreme ideologies. As situations become more extreme, people become desperate and these things flourish. This can already be seen in Africa and Asia.
It will become known that the amount of climate damage in certain areas is more than people have thought. The studies have not been as meticulous as needed. The studies of the relationship between climate, the societies and the people may not have been as thorough as needed, but in the world today the results are becoming obvious. Poverty, violence, political upheaval, lands that lack productivity or cease to produce and food and water shortages are beginning to drive people. Some people are fleeing political unrest and violence, some fleeing religious persecution, some fleeing dry lands and starvation. Under these circumstances, people begin to move in larger and larger numbers.
As the situation in the world continues to worsen, and the rate will be much faster than expected, you will see greater and greater movements of people. As to what will happen with those movements, it depends upon the choices people make. To ascribe moral value to those choices is difficult. Were the Indians who fought less moral than the Indians who let the settlers into their lands? There are no good solutions when there are more people and less land, less water and less food. Who is moral and who is not becomes a question.
There are those who would build walls and fences and see those outside their own country with no compassion. There are those who would compassionately accommodate the poor, the hungry, the suffering and try to relieve the suffering. Will those who take this compassionate way be overrun? Will those who build walls merely find that enough people pushing on a wall will crumble it and the mass flows in? In this type of situation the struggle for survival can become paramount, the need for order becomes essential.
A Kshatriyan (rulers, warriors, administrators) society will develop to regulate and order the situation. There ways may seem harsh in order to save what can be saved. But the world must unite to face this problem. It cannot be country against country, each one making it’s own choice. That will do for now, but this situation is going to quickly escalate. It will not remain a small problem. It will not remain “can you accommodate x number of immigrants, y number of immigrants, z number of immigrants.” It will exceed all bounds, and it may not simply be immigrants from one country to another country but from one state to another state, from one city to another city. What will happen to Miami? What will happen to Arizona?
Difficult times lie ahead, times during which necessity will change in orderly rule, not for one country alone. For, Can one country solve this global problem? The world must unite in a federation of countries, a global federation to handle the problems of pollution and the destruction of the planet; the threat to human life on this planet and the consequences that will soon be upon humanity for its actions.
Now you can begin to see a little way into the future, simply by projecting. What I am saying here is nothing you cannot observe for yourself. Twenty years ago, when people said a difficult time is coming, no one understood why or what that would look like. Now it can be seen why and what it will look like. There was a time when I said “much can be avoided”. That time has passed.
Now what will happen is obvious to all, but no one wants to recognize the seriousness of the problem. No one wants to admit the seriousness as they look forward into the future, or is desperate enough yet to insist on the solutions, which can be harsh. Countries are trying to act unilaterally. Some, like the Indians who welcomed the settlers, are trying to understand these poor forgotten people far from their own homeland, who come off of ships hungry and starving. They try to help them. Some see the immigrants as invaders and want to keep them out. Either way it didn’t matter for the Indians, did it? In the end it was the same result.
Future Solutions Today’s solutions lie in the formation of a federation of world leaders and governments; to unite, to make strict laws, to reverse the damage, and to deal with the consequences of what has happened. That is the path to survival of the human race. And I believe the survival instincts of people will bring them to these solutions. Otherwise they will perish altogether.
Even now you see the alarm people feel, but in five or ten or fifteen years from now that alarm will be a screaming, desperate cry. The rise of dictators is a natural phenomenon, which occurs in such unstable times, as an initial attempt to deal with the problems. The rise of conservative values is the result of a fear of being overrun, the fear of indigenous people of losing their lands, their culture and their place. Neither conservatism, nor liberalism involving a compassionate attitude of trying to welcome the needy and the poor, neither will be able to solve this problem. The solution lies instead in people around the world reaching out to each other for a common solution.
That solution may be harsh and people may die. You cannot make a world with a shrinking water supply and shrinking land that can produce food, feed more and more and more. But humanity can survive and can save the planet and will. However, first it must recognize the seriousness of the situation. And that has yet to come. For now people are trying one thing, trying another, not willing to admit to them selves how serious the problems are. They are not willing to admit that it is more than they can handle, more than their nation can handle, more than their dictator can handle, more than their government can cope with. They begin to see, so they try to come together for some moderate changes in the society, but that will not be enough. People will soon figure this out, as the situation becomes more and more difficult.
Yet simultaneous to all this difficulty, the bright dawn of a rising consciousness is occurring. People are awakening from darkness into spiritual light. They awaken from the darkness of materialism, which has caused this current situation, into this spiritual light. There is a Shudra ( ordinary working people) revolution in process and it will lead to a Kshatriyan society, the Kshatriyans will rule to save the earth, the people and living beings upon the earth. They will save as much as they can, so that we can begin afresh as the earth slowly heals. Questions and Answers Q: Is this climate change only man made or are there astrological reasons? I read some hundred years ago a similar situation happened here…..
A: A very good point. The earth has indeed gone through different changes, but without the greed of human beings causing harm to the planet, exploiting its resources and creating pollution in their ignorance, these changes would not be triggered at this time. Perhaps in 500,000 years, but not now.
It is human intervention, human abuse of the planet which is causing the extinctions and which is causing the cycle of change in climate. The world is a fragile Eco system, and if you alter something, you can cause a chain reaction that will change many things. This can happen very quickly, and that is the situation today. So yes, the planet does go through these changes. What triggers these changes may vary. In the early times of the planet, when the land was still very unstable, there were many, many great volcanic explosions. This also can and has triggered changes. But the dramatic changes of today are triggered by the actions of people.
The changes in the oceans are not due to natural causes. They are due to human action. The changes in the atmosphere are due to human actions. The changes in the water are due to human use, but what the earth will do in the chain reaction that follows is due to the natural interactive process of earthly change reaction and response. So when you say ‘has the earth had these reactions and responses previously?’ I would say yes. But they do not occur without reasons. Those reasons have been geological in the past. The reason today is in the evolutionary process of the planet and the evolutionary stage of the development of consciousness on the planet, which has taken the form that we call human beings. I have spoken before, that humans, as all beings, are but the children of the earth. They are her very form in manifest as physical beings changing and developing greater and greater consciousness. So the evolution of consciousness is triggering this. Yes? The child is old enough to play with fire, but not to know what it does, or that he or she can be burnt by it.
Q: How long has this been happening in the other planets in the universe and how have they come out of it?
A: Consciousness is developing. It will continue to develop and as it does the greed, self-centeredness, and ego orientation of individualism gets consumed in the collective body. The earth is one being and its children are part of itself. Awakening of consciousness is the evolutionary change needed to bring the human beings beyond this destructive stage. As a child grows, he or she becomes more intelligent and does not do these stupid, childish actions! Mind grows in magnitude. Human beings are growing, connecting. They are evolving but right now they are at a critical turning point. Evolve, called die.
Q: Would you like to talk about some of the very difficult and hard solutions we may have to make going forward?
A: The first one, and most important, is that the leaders of the different countries will have to humble themselves and recognize that they alone cannot solve their own problems; that they must look to one another to solve the problems. Even though they may have the strongest dictator who may build walls of iron, they cannot solve their problems. Behind their own walls their own people will starve. So the first solution is to recognize the interconnected nature of human life and life on the planet, and that only by working in coordinated cooperation can a solution be found.
Then in that coordinated cooperation, strict, strict, laws with harsh penalties will need to be imposed and enforced by a collective governing body, so that no nation can choose to simply disregard the collective good. They will be struck down. No nation can choose to bend it, or they will be policed by an International Policing Squad. Nations will be bound together in a federation that is strong, because it must be strong for humanity to survive. It will start weak and grow stronger, and those who do not want to participate will find themselves forced into participation eventually. When people are desperate and recognize that the actions of another will cause their own demise, they will act to stop that other and apply whatever pressure is needed.
When all have united in a common cause, strict regulation to reverse the climate dissipation will be implemented. It will not be possible to let nature take its course, for if nature takes its course the earth will become uninhabitable. Humans who have caused this chain reaction must work to be inventive collectively. They will have to put in all their resources to working with each other to build solar plants, atmosphere clearing and water purification. These are the ways of the future. Technology unknown today will be developed. Stricter guidelines on birth control will be developed. Strict and controlled patterns of migration and of dealing with lands that are becoming uninhabitable will be developed.
Without this, chaos will reign whole countries, and continents will be overrun to every ones demise, causing an entire breakdown of law. Chaos will dominate as violence becomes common, until the rule of the Kshatriyans can secure the planet. The degree to which the situation will deteriorate remains open and is in the hands of human beings. The need for survival will most assuredly cause change and innovation, but the time is near. The values that promote collective survival will be implemented it is a certainty. But these things will not come because people have a good intention and good ideas and they want to do it. They will come out of desperation.
Q: You said something about women having a very big role in the coming changes. So will there be a leading role for women in the Kshatriyan society of the future?
A: Who are the greatest warriors? Have you ever seen a mother defend her children? Women are great warriors. Don’t ever think they are not. In a Kshatriyan society they can be great leaders, great warriors. It is women and their need to survive and have their offspring survive who will thrust the world into change. Women leaders will abound in society. It is a changing time. Men and women will both be together as equals, but women will make the demand, women will strike forward, women will rise to power throughout the world. They are already rising but that will increase. Women know about survival, men may want to be brave and fight to the death but women want their children alive.