Namaskar. Spiritual awakening is thought of very differently by different people in different cultures and in different traditions. To realize your unity with eternal being is something that is really not an external process in any way. Meditation practices allow you to develop techniques to still the thoughts in the mind and the habitual patterns in the mind so that you can quiet the mind sufficiently to experience directly subtle layers of being that are not known through your thoughts and ideas but are known through your direct perceptual experience. Access to these layers of being gives the experience of non-duality; the perception in a non-verbal total experience of the light, bliss, unity of all life. There is awakening of light, awakening of awareness in silence without words, without thoughts, without effort. Once the mind is settled, whether you use a mantra, a prayer, a visualization, or simply relaxing into awareness. Whatever is your technique, the technique is only an external methodology. The real process is what happens within you. What happens when you relax into awareness? What happens when you stop thoughts? What happens when you let go? You surrender to the infinite. What happens isn't something you create; isn't something you imagine. Through your imagination, through your concentration you hone the mind so that you can move past your ordinary conditioned constructs. But then what happens after that is not determined by you.
Once you make yourself available, then from a larger field of being a response comes. You become connected to something greater than yourself. A vast wholeness experienced by some as love, experienced by some as light, experienced by some as being a vast field of consciousness. In this field of consciousness there is awareness. Your awareness of your own being. Your awareness of truth. Your awareness of the infinite. Until the very idea of your own self becomes impossible to hold and you know that you are one with this larger field of being, that the separate self you believed yourself to be is only an appearance in a vast field of being.
In an infinite unconditioned experience of Self there is no beginning and no end, no today, no yesterday, no tomorrow. All is now. All is everywhere. This infinite beingness, this love divine, this true nature of Self has no restrictions. There is no form, no color, no taste, no beginning and no end. There is no confinement. Some experience a brilliant light. Others experience a vast field of love. Others experience an emptiness. However, you wish to describe this state of being, this non-duality, in truth it is all descriptions and it is none. For in that state there are no words, there are no beliefs, there are no ideas because beliefs and ideas exist in the mind. When the mind is silenced that is when this deeper nature of your existence, the truth of your being becomes visible to you, to your conscious awareness.
Through your meditation practice your conscious awareness ceases to engage in images and forms and material objects. Then ceases to engage in thoughts and reflections and ideas and beliefs and conditioned thinking. Until finally the field of being opens within you. Then there is only that eternal essence and nothing else. That field of being always is, always has been. It is ever there, but your attention moves away from it, distracted by forms, thoughts, and ideas. Some people go their entire life barely aware that such a field of being exists within them. Their deeper nature is unknown, for their mind is always busy with ideas and thoughts, reactions to experiences they're having. The deeper nature of Self becomes lost and life becomes about acquiring what you need and fearing any experience that will interfere with your physical and mental well-being.
So this is called suffering, when you are caught in a life that is only grasping and needing and fearing to lose what you have. And that is the condition of physical existence. Only when awareness, attention, awakened consciousness moves out of that field, out of conditioned thoughts, out of forms and objects into the field of being, is there a release from this need to acquire and fear of loss. There is a release because within the field of being there are no forms, there are no thoughts. This is the God nature. It is Love divine. It is deep truth. It is beyond even those thoughts. It is your source, your home, your natural state of being. In that natural state of being you are free - free from grasping and needing, free from fearing and wanting, free in your own nature, free in your natural state, free in Love divine.
So this is the great opportunity of human life to be able to unlock this secret door to the inner realms of your being. This is your greatest adventure of human life. This is the very special journey, the very special secret that lies within you. And is yours to access, to hold, to draw strength from. Recognizing this eternal nature, it becomes the solid rock of your existence.
This world of form is always shifting and changing. If you build your home here, if you count on this material world to support you, you will be disappointed because it always shifts and changes. Your great achievements of today can be your sorrows of tomorrow. And your sorrows of tomorrow, the stepping stone for the achievements of the day after. So, it goes in human life in this world of forms and colours that are always changing. This is not where to look for your sanctuary. Find your sanctuary in the arms of the Beloved, in the true nature of your own being, in the God within, in the silence of eternal Being.