Namaskar. Spirituality is that which uplifts the human spirit, which brings you closer to your eternal source, which deepens your love: love for yourself, love for others, love for all living beings. When you deepen in love, when you’re willing to receive love and to give love, to be loved, and to love, then the heart opens to the very nature of love. Because love is not an exchange between people. It is a state of being. It’s not something you can buy or you can earn. And it is something that if you go deep into your heart, you are never without. For the love of the infinite is always with you. Love is an eternal force, the nature of being, the glue which holds the entire creation together. Love is the natural attraction of life for life. There’s a natural draw between you and all living beings. You are naturally drawn to want to be close, to feel a connection. No one is an island; no one wants to be isolated, separated. There’s a natural desire to be close, to be connected, to be loved, and to love. Because there’s a natural desire to come together to feel wholeness. When love unites, when lover and beloved become one, wholeness ensues. When the love you have gets met by the infinite, the divine beloved, wholeness ensues. How to meet the beloved of your heart, how to find the fulfillment of love? By dropping down into your heart, by being willing to open your heart and share your love. Let yourself feel love for all beings, and you will find that that love resonates back to you. Unconditional love is the very nature of all that is. It is awareness, consciousness; but it is also love. Love is that glue drawing you into connection, drawing you into wholeness. It is from the heart, not from the ideas, the thoughts, the brain; it is the energy of the heart. You may pursue spiritual life with your mind, with your beliefs, with your constructs, but it will always have an emptiness in it if your spirituality does not drop down into your heart and you allow yourself to feel, you allow yourself to love, to accept love, to be in communion with life, to be in communion with God, to be in communion with infinite being. In that communion, real wholeness occurs, not the idea of wholeness, not the belief in wholeness, but the actuality of wholeness. From the heart, all things real are touched. When you point to yourself, you don’t point, “This is me,” to your head. You point, “This is me,” to your heart. That is where you truly reside. You know if; you know it instinctually. That’s why you point to your heart when you want to address yourself.
It is in your feeling, your ability to know deeply, intuitively, that you are real—not in your ideas and beliefs. Ideas and beliefs come and go. Some are more relevant and more appropriate. Others get in your way. But until you let go of ideas and beliefs and come to feel your heart, it’s all just a theory. The reality comes in the experience. And the true reality is love, is truth, is awareness. But it’s not a dull, unknowing, semi-conscious awareness. It is a deep, passionate unification, a draw. All beings are drawn to the center of creation, to that cosmic nucleus, Purushottama, that cosmic core of being. All beings have a magnetic pull toward that magnetic core, toward that nondual effulgence, toward the love without a second. All beings dance around that deep love, dancing the dance of creation that Mother Nature portrays. But all beings have that longing in their hearts. They want to be close; they want to be connected. You want to be whole, to be close, to be loved, and to love, to be connected, to be whole. And you can search for that wholeness outside of yourself in relationships to people, and you can find it. But when you want it to be sustainable, something that you can always turn to, then you must find it inside of yourself, inside of your own sense of existence, inside of your own heart. Find the love that spills out for all beings; find the love that is an effulgent core of existence. That is your core. That is who you are. Let no one tell you, ever, that you are less. And let go of beliefs, identities, concepts, things you feel you’re good at, or the things you feel you’re missing. Let go of all those beliefs. And let yourself feel the love in the core of your heart, the great effulgence of the infinite one that is pulling you toward it, like a magnet that draws you, inexplicably. This is your wholeness, your nature, your core of being, the love which is you, which is more than you, which is the universe, which is the great effulgence at the core of all beings. That’s your home. And it is your nature to be drawn to it. You see it in people; you see it in animals; you see it in the sky, in the mountains, in the earth, in the trees. You see it everywhere. Because it is everywhere. And it is in your own heart. So love yourself and love all beings. And love the love that resides in your heart. Let it flow through you. That is true spirituality. Namaskar.
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