Namaskar. Every day is a new opportunity, a new beginning, an opportunity to live the life you truly want to live. Spirituality uplifts the human spirit. It is governed by love, lovingkindness, compassion, and awareness. When the mind and body and spirit are aligned, there is a flow from that infinite one into the mind and the body, and out through the voice, through the eyes into the world. When that is there, there is a diminishment of separation. There is a love that flows from the heart into the mind and out into the world. It permeates the body. That love is unconditional. It does not require that you like this, like that, do this, do that. No; it is unconditional, and it is for everyone. When you align yourself with that divine love, you align yourself with a love that knows no boundaries, that does not see race, that does not see sex, that does not see species, that does not see good and evil. A love that is so unconditional—an unconditional shower of grace… Can you love everyone? Can you give that unconditional love not only to those you admire or are close to but to every living being, even those whose behavior you find abhorrent? Unconditional love does not mean that you approve of all actions or that you even stand by a person in their actions. But it does mean that you care for them, you love them, you understand them, and if they will listen to you, you give kind advice, and if not or if you are in no position to talk to them or have any influence—such as bad leaders—you understand with compassion what has caused them to be as they are. It does not mean you support their behaviors that harm others, but you understand, and you love them; you love the person that they are beneath the difficult behaviors, the wounded child who has grown to a man or a woman and then due to their own wounding and mental, difficulties they enact them in the world and do harm. For when you are aligned with that shower of grace from the divine, there is nothing else but that, for that is the nature of the infinite aware loving consciousness. There is unconditional love in a shower of grace, and when you align with your divine progenitor, when you make that one the center and the core of your life and you mean it; you align with his qualities, his characteristics; you become one with him, with her; you become one with their qualities and characteristics. And what is the characteristic of that most precious divine one that you know in the core of your heart? The main characteristic is unconditional loving consciousness, is it not? You feel that shower of grace. It does not mean that it changes the world so that everything goes your way. No, that is not what grace is. Grace is not imposing your ego on the world. Grace is receiving this unconditional love, attuning and aligning yourself with the nature of divine being. When you attune and align yourself with that nature of divine being and you go to the Guru within, the Guru of your heart, the love of your life, and you surrender, you say, “Lord, Lord, there is nothing for me in this life but you. I want to walk in your footsteps,” then, bowing down and giving all of your assumptions and beliefs and vanity to the infinite one, that one takes you. You surrender yourself. What remains but that flow of unconditional grace and love? For that is the very nature of that divine one. That one loves everyone; be they good or bad, still they are all his children. They’re all the children of Parama Purusha. And that love is for everyone. It does not discriminate. When you truly align with that divinity within, with that Guru of your heart, then you align with this love, with this shower of grace. And it becomes who you are. The love you seek comes from within. And when you seek it within and to everyone without, you just allow the shower of grace and love to flow through you with kindness and support for all living beings, be they human, animal, plant, or even inanimate objects like a rock or a mountain. Can you not love it all, love this creation? For it is the form of the beloved of your heart. That one has complete love for all beings, complete love in the shadow and in the light, in the dark, in the sun; all is of the one. Aligning yourself with that beloved of your heart, you become a vehicle of love unconditional. That becomes your nature. And the more you align with that one, the more that nature rises to the surface, and you become that infinite love. You become one with the beloved of your heart. That divinity flows through you in this grace and love. This is your natural home, and it is from that one within that you find your deep love. Some people may return your love; others may not. But can you love them either way? Not seeking the return from them, but knowing it is within you, in the heart of your beloved. There lies the love. There is the one who gives you love, who always loves you, who always cares for you. Others may show kindness and care and love, or they may not. It doesn’t matter. You give love to everyone. Then you begin to truly know your Baba, then you begin to truly know who you are and who Guru is. And you align yourself with Guru, with that infinite grace. Take this message to heart.
All beings have suffered. Sometimes in life, things go your way; sometimes, they go the opposite—be it physical, mental, or spiritual, be it loss of loved ones, loss of health, or loss of well-being in one form or another. These periods where something difficult happens can be very challenging, but the suffering comes not only from the experience itself but from the resistance to the experience, from the resistance to the flow of the cosmos. You live in an interwoven, interconnected web of life, and that web moves according to its rhythm. The longings, the desires, the welfare of millions upon millions of beings woven together as one, and you are a part of that web of life, a part of that interwoven connectedness. You exist throughout the web, not just in the body and the mind that you inhabit, but in the entire web of life you are a part of the whole. Suffering comes not only from the situations and circumstances which are difficult in your life but from your resistance to them, attempting to force your small will upon the universe to make it as you would have it. But you are part of this whole and the whole moves according to its movements. And if you accept, allow, and feel the grace of the movements, you do not know that that which appears to be difficult and a struggle for you, may lead to a great opening in your life. You do not know the consequence of the moment, the consequences of the circumstance. You assume and your assumptions become your impediments. The stories that you tell yourself become your impediment. Taking the actions of others personally, the circumstances of life as personal affront becomes an impediment. When you immerse yourself in love and acceptance, immerse yourself in the grace of the infinite, in the feeling of that cosmic shower of love, and let all of life in all its forms be the dance of divine love, then you, in that dance become aligned, a part of the wholeness of life, and in that alignment you become whole. In that alignment there is peace, well-being, harmony with the whole of being, allowing, moving with the ups and downs of life, staying connected to the subterranean flow of infinite being the love that abides, the love that always is, that never dies, never changes. Staying connected to that love you become whole, you become strong so that you move with the movements of life. Forms change, circumstances change, but love never changes. Love is something that always is. The love of the infinite, the cosmic flow of existence, that ananda, that divine bliss, that grace, that consciousness always is here, now. In the surface of life, like the surface of the waters of the sea, there's the rise and fall of the waves, but when you go deep the waters are always still, always calm. Healing comes in your relationship with what is. Healing comes in love that is. Healing comes through acceptance, kindness, love, and compassion for yourself and for all beings. Find the love that does not have boundaries, that is not guided by judgment but that exists beyond all bounds. That love sinks you deep to that subterranean flow, to the deep waters of the sea where your heart, your mind, and your life are in harmony with all that is. There is life in countless forms. Life abounds. The life within you is connected to the life in the trees, in the grasses, in the gardens, in all the people, and all the animals. You are a part of the web of life, a part of the intricate manifestation of the whole. Find your place in that wholeness. Find your place in that unconditional love that is at the core of all life. Look for my new book Into the Heart of the Infinite being released in the Fall of 2023. Love is a many-faceted topic. There is love between people, love for nature, love for animals and plants and love for the Divine. What is important in all of these different experiences of love is that you love purely. To know infinite love, you need not live up to anyone’s expectations but only take the time to turn your mind and heart toward the Divine and think of the qualities and characteristics of that divine Beloved.
Taking the time to suspend your mind and dissolve your self-hood into that eternal Self of yourself, you will discover the love of which all human love is only a dim reflection. One of the primary characteristics of cosmic love is abundant compassion for all living beings. That cosmic Self loves everyone and everything and sees everyone and everything as a part of its own Self. That Self has infinite love for living beings, infinite love for you. When you emulate this infinite love, this compassionate attitude of cosmic love in your own approach to life, you gain proximity to the Divine. One of the primary characteristics of cosmic love is abundant compassion for all living beings.True love, the deepest form of love, the unconditional love, does not define and is not confined. Experiencing this love, you have care for all beings, including your own self, for you too are the child of the Divine. You are the son or the daughter of the divine One. If anyone should want to harm you, diminish you, hurt you, or tell you that you are less than others, do not listen to them. For all are the children of the Divine, including you, and all are important to that beloved Divinity. The love of the one Beloved, who is the source of all love, is a shower of grace that falls eternally on all living beings. This love rejects no one. All are precious to that divine Beloved. You cannot earn the love of the Divine. It is not for sale. Instead it is freely given to all who take the time to notice it. To the Divine, those who are praised and those who go unnoticed by others, those who are capable of great deeds and those who give in small ways are all the same. All are parts of one interwoven, interconnected whole. There is not more love for one and less for the other. If you want to know the Infinite, love for all is the best approach. Even for those who do you harm, love and compassion given freely is the best approach. It doesn't mean you must sanctify their actions or that you need to tolerate hurtful actions. Only ignite the kindness, compassion and caring in your own heart. If you care for others and spend your time in acts of kindness to others, even though you yourself may carry a deep burden of pain, your pain will become less. You will see that in loving and caring for others resides the real reward in this life. If you want to know the Divinity that is the source of all love, do good deeds throughout your day and throughout your life. Make a point, each and every day, to intentionally do at least one act of kindness for another. This way you develop a kind heart. Developing a kind heart is the key step to the development of great compassion. To know great compassion is to know love unconditional. To know love unconditional is to know your supreme Father, your divine Mother, for the very nature of this universe is love, unconditional love. |
Intro To Yama & Niyama
Living In Harmony
Spiritual Activism
Spiritual Awakening
The Nature Of Love
What Are The Niyamas
What Are The Yamas & Niyamas
What Is Gratitude?